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ColorSwapFilter.SwapLuminance Property

Controls if the luminance should be included in the color swap.

Namespace: Lumia.Imaging.Artistic
Assembly: Lumia.Imaging (in Lumia.Imaging.dll) Version:


public bool SwapLuminance { get; set; }
Public Property SwapLuminance As Boolean
virtual property bool SwapLuminance {
    bool get () sealed;
    void set (bool value) sealed;
function get_SwapLuminance();
function set_SwapLuminance(value);

Property Value

Type: Boolean


If SwapLuminance is set to false only the color components will be swapped, not the luminance.

If SwapLuminance is set to true the source color and the range specified with ColorDistance will be transformed to the exact color specified with SwapColor. Recommended value for best photo realistic results is to set SwapLuminance to false.

Default is false.

Version Information

Lumia Imaging SDK

Supported in: 2.0

See Also

ColorSwapFilter Class

ColorSwapFilter.ColorSwapFilter Members

Lumia.Imaging.Artistic Namespace