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Background Removal

Kinect for Windows 1.8

The Background Removal API provides green screen capabilities for a single person. The tracked user is specified using their skeleton ID. This API uses various image processing techniques to improve the stability and accuracy of the player mask originally contained in each depth frame. The stream can be configured to select any single player as the foreground, and remove the rest of the color pixels from the scene.


Configuring the stream to include multiple players as the foreground is currently not supported.

API Details

To use the Background Removal API, use the DLLs listed in the following table. All DLLs can be found in the %KINECT_TOOLKIT_DIR%\Redist directory.

DLL type 64-bit DLL 32-bit DLL Documentation
Managed Microsoft.Kinect.Toolkit.BackgroundRemoval.dll Microsoft.Kinect.Toolkit.BackgroundRemoval.dll Microsoft.Kinect.Toolkit.BackgroundRemoval
Native KinectBackgroundRemoval180_64.dll KinectBackgroundRemoval180_32.dll KinectBackgroundRemoval

Best Practices

The following best practices will help you use the Background Removal API most effectively.

  • The tracked user should stand in a relatively uncluttered space, avoid standing in front of a very dark background or very bright light source pointing towards the sensor, and avoid holding a large reflective item (for example, a glass bottle or a tablet PC).
  • Follow the Skeletal Tracking guidelines.
  • When the tracked user is close to the sensor, turn on Near Mode to prevent artifacts.
  • If artifacts appear around the user's head, have the user move around (without getting too close to the sensor) to reduce them.