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ISP and Service Type keys

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2

ISP and Service Type keys

You can change how Connection Manager defines ISPs and service types. To do this, you need to edit the service (.cms) file. The table in this topic covers the key names and values that are contained in the [ISP] and [Service Type] sections of the .cms file. This topic also describes the formats and conventions you should use in the .cms file.

Formats and conventions

Connection Manager creates service (.cms) files, which use the same format as Windows initialization (.ini) files and information (.inf) files. These files have several things in common:

  • Each file is divided into sections, with specific entries, called keys, assigned to the sections. A section heading is enclosed within brackets ([ ]). For example, [Strings] is a section containing text strings for messages. The keys for a section are not enclosed within brackets.

  • Each value specified for a numeric key must be an integer. Any non-integer value is truncated to an integer or ignored as invalid data. For example, 1.1 is truncated to 1 or ignored.

  • The order in which sections appear is not important; a particular section can be placed anywhere in the file.

  • Each comment in the file begins with a semicolon (;).

For more information on these formats and conventions, see the Microsoft Platform Software Development Kit (SDK) at the Microsoft Web site.

Table of ISP and Service Type keys

The following table shows the valid keys for the [ISP] and [Service Type] sections of the .cms file, the function and use of each key, and where you must set each key. You can set different keys in the Connection Manager Administration Kit (CMAK) wizard or the .cms file. If you change the .cms file with a text editor, rather than by using the Advanced Customization pane of the CMAK wizard, you must rebuild the profile afterward with the CMAK wizard.


  • In the following table, keys controlled by specific panes of the CMAK wizard are identified in the Set in column as CMAK. Although these keys appear in the .cms file, you should use the CMAK wizard to update these keys. If you change these keys by editing the .cms file, the CMAK wizard might overwrite them if you run it again on the same profile. Keys set in the Advanced Customization pane of the CMAK wizard are identified as .cms or .cmp, as appropriate.

  • Specify file locations either with the full path or the relative path from the .cmp file directory, as appropriate to the key.

[Section] or key Definition and values Set in


Connection types (such as modem or ISDN) that you want to list in the Phone Book dialog box and how you want phone numbers to appear for each connection type. The Mask and Match keys specify whether the number is listed under Access numbers or under More access numbers. Each Mask and Match key has a corresponding option in Phone Book Administrator.




Location of the phone book (.pbk) file used by the service profile.



Location of the region (.pbr) file used by the service profile.



Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for the phone book update.



Mask value for FilterName.



Match value for FilterName.



List of filter names to be applied to the access numbers phone-book settings field, for example:

FilterA& = NosurchargeSignon

The selected phone numbers are listed in the Connection Manager Phone Book dialog box, in Access numbers.

Default = NosurchargeSignon



List of filter names to be applied to the referenced phone book options field, for example:

FilterB& = SurchargeSignon

The selected phone numbers are listed in the Connection Manager Phone Book dialog box, in More access numbers.

Default = SurchargeSignon.



Service profiles merged through the CMAK wizard. Profile names are separated by commas, tabs, or spaces. Each name is used as a reference to that profile.



Location of a component service profile .cms file for a merged service profile. The format is CMSFile&MergedProfile=Location, where MergedProfile is the name of the top-level service profile and Location is the location of the .cms file for the component service profile, for example:

CMSFile&Awesome1 = Awesome1\AwesomeE.cms



List of filter names to be applied to the component profile's phone book options field. The format is FilterA&MergedProfile = FilterName, where MergedProfile is the name of the merged service profile, as specified in the CMSFileMergedProfile key, and FilterName is the name of the filter to be applied, for example:

FilterA&AwesomeE = NoSurchargeSignon

The selected phone numbers are merged into the list in the Connection Manager Phone Book dialog box, in Access numbers.



List of filter names to be applied to the component profile's phone book options field. The format is FilterB&MergedProfile = FilterName, where MergedProfile is the name of the merged service profile, as specified in the .cms file References key, and FilterName is the name of the filter to be applied, for example:

FilterB&AwesomeE = SurchargeSignon

The selected phone numbers are merged into the list in the Connection Manager Phone Book dialog box, in More access numbers.


[Service Types]

Items that are listed in the Phone Book dialog box, under Service type. By default, this section contains two service types. At least two service types must be defined in order for phone numbers to appear in the Properties dialog box of the Connection Manager client.




A service type as a filter name to be applied to the referenced phone book options field. The format of the entry is ServiceType=FilterName, where ServiceType is the name as it appears in the Phone Book dialog box, in the Service type list, and FilterName is the name of the filter to be associated with the entry, for example:

ISDN Multicast = MulticastISDN

A service type name should include no more than 25 characters. You can concatenate service type names by inserting a space between each name. At least two service types must be defined in order for phone numbers to appear in the Properties dialog box of the Connection Manager client.
