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initPointerEvent method

Used to create an MSPointerEvent from JavaScript.



object.initPointerEvent(typeArg, canBubbleArg, cancelableArg, viewArg, detailArg, screenXArg, screenYArg, clientXArg, clientYArg, ctrlKeyArg, altKeyArg, shiftKeyArg, metaKeyArg, buttonArg, relatedTargetArg, offsetXArg, offsetYArg, widthArg, heightArg, pressure, rotation, tiltX, tiltY, pointerIdArg, pointerType, hwTimestampArg, isPrimary);


  • typeArg [in]
    Type: DOMString

    The type of the event being created

  • canBubbleArg [in]
    Type: boolean

    Indicates whether the event can bubble. When true the event should propagate upward. When false the event does not propagate upward.

  • cancelableArg [in]
    Type: boolean

    Indicates whether the event’s default action can be prevented. When true, the default action can be canceled. When false, the default action cannot be canceled.

  • viewArg [in]
    Type: AbstractView

    The view in which the event is taking place.

  • detailArg [in]
    Type: long

    Specifies some detailed information depending upon the event.

  • screenXArg [in]
    Type: long

    The x-coordinate of the event in screen coordinates relative to the upper left corner of the screen.

  • screenYArg [in]
    Type: long

    The y-coordinate of the event in screen coordinates relative to the upper left corner of the screen.

  • clientXArg [in]
    Type: float

    The x-coordinate of the event in client coordinates relative to the upper-left corner of the document's client area.

  • clientYArg [in]
    Type: float

    The y-coordinate of the event in client coordinates relative to the upper-left corner of the document's client area.

  • ctrlKeyArg [in]
    Type: boolean

    Indicates the state of the Ctrl key. When true, the left or right Ctrl key is pressed. If false, neither Ctrl key is pressed.

  • altKeyArg [in]
    Type: boolean

    Indicates the state of the Alt key. When true, the left or right Alt key is pressed. If false, neither Alt key is pressed.

  • shiftKeyArg [in]
    Type: boolean

    Indicates the state of the Shift key. When true, the left or right Shift key is pressed. If false, neither Shift key is pressed.

  • metaKeyArg [in]
    Type: boolean

    Indicates the state of the Meta/Command key. If true, the left or right Meta/Command key is pressed. If false neither Meta/Command key is pressed.

  • buttonArg [in]
    Type: unsigned short

    If the event is caused by a mouse event, this indicates the mouse button that caused the event.

  • relatedTargetArg [in]
    Type: EventTarget

    A reference to the related element.

  • offsetXArg [in]
    Type: float

    The x-coordinate of the event in the element.

  • offsetYArg [in]
    Type: float

    The y-coordinate of the event in the element.

  • widthArg [in]
    Type: long

    The contact width of the pointer point specified by pointerId.

  • heightArg [in]
    Type: long

    The contact height of the pointer point specified by pointerId.

  • pressure [in]
    Type: float

    Pen pressure normalized in a range of 0 to 255.

  • rotation [in]
    Type: long

    Clockwise rotation of the cursor around its own major axis. Range: 0 to 359.

  • tiltX [in]
    Type: long

    The plane angle between the Y-Z plane and the plane containing the transducer axis and the Y axis. A positive X Tilt is to the right. This quantity is used in conjunction with Y Tilt to represent the tilt away from normal of a transducer, such as a stylus. Range: -90 to +90.

  • tiltY [in]
    Type: long

    Represents the angle between the X-Z and transducer-X planes. A positive Y Tilt is toward the user. Range: -90 to +90.

  • pointerIdArg [in]
    Type: long

    Specifies the unique ID of the contact.

  • pointerType [in]
    Type: long

    Indicates whether the source is touch, pen or mouse.

  • hwTimestampArg [in]
    Type: unsigned long long

    Used to specify the time at which the event was created in microseconds.

  • isPrimary [in]
    Type: boolean

    Indicates whether this is the primary pointer that is used to control the mouse position in a multi-touch scenario.

Return value

This method does not return a value.