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msSiteModeClearJumpList method

Deletes the Jump List.

This method is not supported for Windows apps using JavaScript.



HRESULT retVal = object.msSiteModeClearJumpList();


This method has no parameters.

Return value


This method can return one of these values.

Return code Description

The operation completed successfully.


This method is not supported on Windows CE.


Standards information

There are no standards that apply here.


The IShellUIHelper4::msSiteModeClearJumpList removes the custom Jump List and all items that have been associated with it. It does not remove Jump List items that have been pinned by the user. This method also clears any information about which items have been removed by the user, and prevents the HTMLDocumentEvents4::onmssitemodejumplistitemremoved event from being raised. After a Jump List has been removed, you must call IShellUIHelper4::msSiteModeCreateJumpList before you can add any items back to the list.

If you only want to recreate the list, or replace the existing list with a new one, you do not need to clear the Jump List first. The preferred method of recreating a Jump List is to just call IShellUIHelper4::msSiteModeCreateJumpList.

See also
