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IViewObjectPresentFlipSite::CreateSurfacePresenterFlip method

Creates the ISurfacePresenterFlip object, which serves a similar role to IDXGISwapChain and represents a series of buffers used for presentation.


HRESULT CreateSurfacePresenterFlip(
  [in]          IUnknown*               pDevice,
  [in]          UINT                    width,
  [in]          UINT                    height,
  [in]          UINT                    backBufferCount,
  [in]          DXGI_FORMAT             format,
  [in]          VIEW_OBJECT_ALPHA_MODE  mode,
  [out, retval] ISurfacePresenterFlip** **ppSPFlip


  • pDevice [in]

  • width [in]

  • height [in]

  • backBufferCount [in]

  • format [in]

  • mode [in]

  • ppSPFlip [out, retval]

Return value

If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


A Direct3D 11 device on the same adapter as Internet Explorer’s Direct3D device is required. The format must be DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM.

The guidelines for the parameters to this function are different to that for CreateSurfacePresenter:

  • The Direct3D device must be a Direct3D 11 device. No other device versions will work, and the parameter is mandatory. Use GetDeviceLuid to determine what Direct3D adapter to use.
  • There is a minimum back buffer count of 2 that needs to be supplied.


Minimum supported client

Windows 10

Minimum supported server

Windows Server 2016


Mshtml.dll; Edgehtml.dll