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filter property

Sets or retrieves the filter or collection of filters that are applied to the object.

Note   As of Windows Internet Explorer 9 this feature was deprecated. As of Internet Explorer 10 this feature was removed and should no longer be used.




Integer value = object.put_filter( v);Integer value = object.get_filter(* sFilter);

Property values

Type: BSTR

filtertype1 (parameter1, parameter2,...) (filtertype1 (parameter1, parameter2,...))

Any filter listed in the Visual Filters and Transitions Reference.

filtertype2 (parameter1, parameter2,...) (filtertype2 (parameter1, parameter2,...))

Any filter listed in the Visual Filters and Transitions Reference.

String format

filtertype1 (parameter1, parameter2,...) | filtertype2 (parameter1, parameter2,...)

CSS information

Applies To All elements
Media visual
Inherited no
Initial Value N/A


The following table lists the most popular DX Filters and their standards-based alternatives:

DX Filter Standards-based Alternative
Alpha opacity
AlphaImageLoader <img> or background-image and related properties
Gradient background-image: linear-gradient()
DropShadow text-shadow or box-shadow
Matrix transform, transform-origin


Windows Internet Explorer 8. The IHTMLRuleStyle::filter attribute is an extension to CSS, and can be used as a synonym for filter in IE8 Standards mode. When you use IHTMLRuleStyle::filter, enclose the progid in single quotes (') or double quotes ("). Use commas (,) to separate multiple values, as shown in the Examples section.

An object must have layout for the filter to render. A simple way to accomplish this is to give the element a specified IHTMLRuleStyle::height and width, or both. However, there are several other properties that can give an element layout. For more information about these other properties, see the IHTMLCurrentStyle2::hasLayout property.

The shadow filter can be applied to the img object by setting the filter on the image's parent container.

The filter mechanism is extensible and enables you to develop and add filters later. For more information about filters, see Introduction to Filters and Transitions.

Not available on the Macintosh platform.


Minimum supported client

Windows XP

Minimum supported server

Windows Server 2003





