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HlinkUpdateStackItem function

[HlinkUpdateStackItem may be altered or unavailable in subsequent versions of the operating system or product.]

Note  The Microsoft ActiveX Hyperlink API is deprecated in Windows Internet Explorer 8 and later, and ActiveX technology as a whole is unsupported in the Microsoft Edge browser in favor of standards-based web APIs. For more information, see Saying goodbye to ActiveX, VBScript, attachEvent... and Get ready for plug-in free browsing.


Updates the stack item based on the context.


HRESULT HlinkUpdateStackItem(
   IHlinkFrame         *pihlframe,
   IHlinkBrowseContext *pihlbc,
   ULONG               uHLID,
   IMoniker            *pimkTrgt,
   LPCWSTR             pwzLocation,
   LPCWSTR             pwzFriendlyName


  • pihlframe
    The address of the IHlinkFrame interface for the hyperlink frame object of the hyperlink container object. This can be NULL, if the hyperlink container does not have a hyperlink frame.

  • pihlbc
    The address of the IHlinkBrowseContext interface to use for this navigation.

  • uHLID
    An integer that specifies the hyperlink to set in the current browse context's navigation stack. Use one of the HLID values, such as HLID_PREVIOUS or HLID_NEXT, to indicate a logically identified hyperlink.

  • pimkTrgt
    The address of the moniker to the hyperlink target for the new hyperlink. This must not be NULL.

  • pwzLocation
    The address of the string that represent the location in the hyperlink target for the new hyperlink. This must not be NULL.

  • pwzFriendlyName
    The address of the friendly name of the hyperlink.

Return value

If this function succeeds, it returns NOERROR. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


Returns NOERROR if successful.






