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Next method

Gets the contents of the current privacy record and moves the pointer to the next privacy record.


HRESULT retVal = object.Next(pbstrUrl, pbstrPolicyRef, pdwReserved, pdwFlags);


  • pbstrUrl [out]
    Type: BSTR

    A pointer to a BSTR of the URL to which the current privacy record information applies.

  • pbstrPolicyRef [out]
    Type: BSTR

    A pointer to a BSTR of the URL that contains the privacy policy information for pbstrUrl.

  • pdwReserved
    Type: LONG

    Reserved. Must be set to null.

  • pdwFlags [out]
    Type: DWORD

    A pointer to a DWORD that combines Privacy Flags that specify the status of privacy agreements and any cookie actions for pbstrUrl.

Return value


If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


IEnumPrivacyRecords::Next was introduced in Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.

Privacy records are kept for all URLs on a page.

Note  Images, stylesheets, script files, and so on, can belong to URLs other than the top-level URL.


Typically, by moving to another Web page at the top-level, the privacy records list is reset. If a top-level movement occurs due to script, the privacy records list is not reset. Instead, a blank record is inserted into the privacy records list before new records are added for URLs associated with the new page. The top-level URL for this new page has the PRIVACY_URLISTOPLEVEL flag set in pdwFlags.

A given URL can have more than one privacy record. All privacy records for a specific URL must be considered to get the complete privacy report for a URL.

See also



