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  • library job
    A job that has been stored and can be used by another job.

  • LLU
    See Local Logical User.

  • Local Logical User (LLU)
    A mapping from a variable to a user account on each client computer.

    For example, the Local Logical User (LLU) with the name "AdminUser" might map to the user account "MyDomain\User6" with a password of "My^Password%23" on one client computer, and to the user account "MyDomain\User32" with a password of "My#Password@97" on another client computer.

  • Logical Machine Set (LMS)
    A set of computers that play the same role in a job that requires multiple computers. For example, a job that required more than one computer might have a client Logical Machine Set and a server Logical Machine Set.

  • LMS
    See Logical Machine Set.



Build date: 9/14/2012