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The TDI_ACTION_HEADER structure is the initial structure in any client-supplied action parameter block passed in a TDI_ACTION request to the underlying transport driver.


typedef struct _TDI_ACTION_HEADER {
  ULONG  TransportId;
  USHORT ActionCode;
  USHORT Reserved;


  • TransportId
    Specifies a value identifying the TDI transport.

    Any Microsoft-supplied transport defines an identifier as a 4-character string beginning with the letter "M." By convention, other transport vendors define their respective identifiers to begin with another letter.

  • ActionCode
    Specifies the transport-defined action code, which must be unique to the transport driver designated by TransportId.

  • Reserved
    Specifies a reserved member that must be set to zero.


The remainder of an action parameter block is a transport-specific extension to the TDI interface. That is, the transport driver defines the structure and required contents for the remainder of the buffer that its kernel-mode clients must supply in each TDI_ACTION request.

Note   The TDI feature is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Microsoft Windows. Depending on how you use TDI, use either the Winsock Kernel (WSK) or Windows Filtering Platform (WFP). For more information about WFP and WSK, see Windows Filtering Platform and Winsock Kernel. For a Windows Core Networking blog entry about WSK and TDI, see Introduction to Winsock Kernel (WSK).




Tdi.h (include Tdi.h or TdiKrnl.h)

See also





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