IStillImageW::GetDeviceList method (sti.h)

The IStillImage::GetDeviceList method returns hardware characteristics for all installed still image devices.


HRESULT GetDeviceList(
        DWORD  dwType,
        DWORD  dwFlags,
  [out] DWORD  *pdwItemsReturned,
  [out] LPVOID *ppBuffer



Reserved parameter, use NULL.


Reserved parameter, use NULL.

[out] pdwItemsReturned

Receives the number of STI_DEVICE_INFORMATION structures supplied in the buffer referenced by ppBuffer.

[out] ppBuffer

Receives a handle to an STI-allocated buffer. This buffer will contain an array of STI_DEVICE_INFORMATION structures.

Return value

If the operation succeeds, the method returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns one of the STIERR-prefixed error codes defined in stierr.h.


The IStillImage::GetDeviceList method returns an STI_DEVICE_INFORMATION structure for each installed still-image device. Structure contents are typically used for creating user interface displays and for finding a device's internal name.

Before calling IStillImage::GetDeviceList, clients of the IStillImage COM interface must call IStillImage::StiCreateInstance to obtain an IStillImage interface pointer.

When the caller has finished using the array of STI_DEVICE_INFORMATION structures referenced by ppBuffer, it must deallocate the array by calling LocalFree (described in the Microsoft Windows SDK documentation).


Requirement Value
Target Platform Desktop
Header sti.h (include Sti.h)

See also

