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The SDBUS_REQUEST_PACKET structure specifies the parameters for the individual requests and commands that the SdBusSubmitRequest routine sends to the bus driver.


typedef struct _SDBUS_REQUEST_PACKET {
  SD_REQUEST_FUNCTION RequestFunction;
  PVOID               UserContext[3];
  ULONG_PTR           Information;
  union {
    UCHAR        AsUCHAR[16];
    ULONG        AsULONG[4];
    SDRESP_TYPE3 Type3;
  } ResponseData;
  UCHAR               ResponseLength;
  union {
    struct {
      SDBUS_PROPERTY Property;
      PVOID          Buffer;
      ULONG          Length;
    } GetSetProperty;
    struct {
      ULONG            Argument;
      PMDL             Mdl;
      ULONG            Length;
    } DeviceCommand;
  } Parameters;


  • RequestFunction
    Contains an enumeration value of type SD_REQUEST_FUNCTION that specifies the parameters for the operation and how they are interpreted.

  • UserContext
    Contains a buffer area for optional use by the caller. The bus driver does not use this member.

  • Information
    Contains the status of the request on output.

  • ResponseData

    • AsUCHAR
      Contains a maximum of 16 bytes of response data on output. For more information about the response data, see the Secure Digital (SD) specification.

    • AsULONG
      Contains a maximum of 16 bytes of response data on output. For more information about the response data, see the Secure Digital (SD) specification.

  • ResponseLength
    Indicates the length, in bytes, of the response data.

  • Parameters

    • GetSetProperty

      • Property
        Contains an enumeration value of type SDBUS_PROPERTY that specifies the property to read or change.

      • Buffer
        Contains the property data to write in operations that set a property. Contains the data read from the property in operations that retrieve the data associated with a property.

      • Length
        Indicates the length, in bytes, of the response data.

    • DeviceCommand

      • CmdDesc
        Contains a structure of type SDCMD_DESCRIPTOR that defines an SD card command.

      • Argument
        Contains 4 bytes of argument information that accompanies the command.

      • Mdl
        Pointer to an MDL that holds the command data.

      • Length
        Indicates the length, in bytes, of the response data.


If the request reads or sets a property on an SD device, a device driver must complete the following steps:

  1. Set the RequestFunction member of SDBUS_REQUEST_PACKET to an SD_REQUEST_FUNCTION enumeration value of either SDRF_GET_PROPERTY or SDRF_SET_PROPERTY.

  2. Set the Property member of SDBUS_REQUEST_PACKET to the SDBUS_PROPERTY enumeration value that specifies the property to read or change.

  3. Send the request to the bus driver by passing the initialized SDBUS_REQUEST_PACKET structure to either SdBusSubmitRequest or SdBusSubmitRequestAsync.

If the request sends a command to an SD device, a device driver must complete the following steps:

  1. Set the RequestFunction member of SDBUS_REQUEST_PACKET to an SD_REQUEST_FUNCTION enumeration value of SDRF_DEVICE_COMMAND.

  2. Initialize the CmdDesc member of SDBUS_REQUEST_PACKET to define the command.

  3. Send the request to the bus driver by passing the initialized SDBUS_REQUEST_PACKET structure to either SdBusSubmitRequest or SdBusSubmitRequestAsync.

To do property operations, the driver must initialize the GetSetProperty.Property, GetSetProperty.Buffer, and GetSetProperty.Length members of the SDBUS_REQUEST_PACKET structure before submitting the request.

To send a command, the driver must initialize the DeviceCommand.CmdDesc, DeviceCommand.Argument, DeviceCommand.Mdl, and DeviceCommand.Length members of the SDBUS_REQUEST_PACKET structure before submitting the request.



Ntddsd.h (include Ntddsd.h)

See also








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