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Default Gesture Handler (Compact 2013)


The default gesture handler, known as AutoGesture, can automatically handle flick (scroll) gestures for applications. You enable the handler by including Sysgen variable SYSGEN_GESTUREANIMATION when you build your OS run-time image. For more information, see Sysgen Variables for Gesture.

If you enable automatic gestures, you do not have to process the WM_GESTURE window message for the flick message, because the window procedure automatically passes the WM_GESTURE message to the default window procedure. Instead, you process the WM_HSCROLL and the WM_VSCROLL messages. The window procedure processes the flick gesture messages, and generates the horizontal or vertical scroll messages with inertial effects applied, as calculated by the physics engine. For more information, see Physics Engine.

AutoGestures only work with windows that have the WS_HSCROLL or WS_VSCROLL styles.

For more information about the default gesture handler, see Touch Gestures Window AutoGesture. The code is in GestureAnimation.lib.

See Also


Gesture Architecture