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Run Your Test from Within the CTK (Compact 2013)


To execute your DLL test from within the Windows Embedded Compact Test Kit (CTK), you must have an active device connection available. Before you get started with the next steps, ensure that you:

  • Have a complete build of your OS image
  • Have loaded your run-time image on your target device or virtual CEPC

After you establish your debugging session, you are ready to run your test from the CTK.

To run your test from within the CTK

  1. In Windows, click Start, click All Programs, click WindowsEmbeddedCompact2013TestKit, and then click WindowsEmbeddedCompact2013TestKit.

  2. In the Start Page - Windows Embedded Compact Test Kit window, on the Start page, under Getting Started, click Connect to Device.

  3. When the Select a Device dialog box appears, under the Platform Builder node, click the name of your device (such as vCEPC), and then click OK.

    The Connecting to device dialog box appears briefly while the CTK attempts to establish a connection with the device.

  4. In the Start Page - Windows Embedded Compact Test Kit window, on the toolbar, click Remove Test Pass from Selected Connection. (This button looks like a document with an X on it.)


    For development purposes, it is only necessary to include a single test as part of the test pass.

  5. In the Test Case Explorer pane, expand the My Category node that you created in Add Your Test DLL to the CTK.

  6. Right-click MyDeviceDriverTest, and then click Add to Current Test Pass.

  7. To save your test pass, click the File menu, and then click Save Test Pass.

  8. In the Start Page - Windows Embedded Compact Test Kit window, on the toolbar, click Run Test Pass. (This button looks like a start button.)

The CTK then executes your test, and at any breakpoints that you set in your source code for either the driver or the test itself, the CTK halts execution so that you can trace through your source code. You can verify that your driver loads correctly and that your driver functions execute as expected.

See Also


Test Your Driver by Using the CTK