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Create Your Console Application (Compact 2013)


Platform Builder provides an easy-to-use Subproject Wizard that helps you quickly create applications for your OS design. The resulting subproject contains a C++ source file that serves as the starting point for your test application.

After you create the console application, build the OS design, and load the run-time image to your device, you can run this application on the device to test your driver.

To create a console application

  1. Open your previously created OS design in Visual Studio.

  2. In the Solution Explorer window, right-click Subprojects, and then click Add New Subproject.

  3. In the Subproject Wizard dialog box, select WCE Console Application from the Available templates list.

  4. In the Subproject name box, type StreamDriverTest for your test application, and then click Next.

  5. Click A simple console application, and then click Finish.

Your new StreamDriverTest subproject appears under the Subprojects folder in Solution Explorer. To build the project, right-click StreamDriverTest, and then click Build.


If you later want to remove the subproject, right-click the subproject, and then click Remove. Removing a subproject does not delete the subproject source code. The subproject is only removed from the OS design. To delete the subproject source code, you must manually navigate to the source location and delete the files.

When you expand the subproject node, you reveal the Source files folder. The folder contains a single file, StreamDriverTest.cpp, which contains the following code.

#include "stdafx.h"

int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR *argv[], TCHAR *envp[])
    return 0;

You can use this code to begin writing your device driver tests.

See Also


Test Your Driver by Using a Console Application