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Implementing Web Services on Your Devices

[This documentation is for preview only, and is subject to change in later releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

You'll be able to use plug and play for your networked devices using Devices Profile for Web Services (DPWS), included with the .NET Micro Framework. Referencing libraries, handling exceptions and threads, and calling the client are among the types of functionality that are provided with this Web Services profile.

In This Section

  • Introducing DPWS
    Your PC or other device can detect DPWS-enabled devices on a network, then discover and invoke the Web service functionality each device provides. You can use these DPWS capabilities in the .NET Micro Framework.

  • Referencing the DPWS Libraries
    By choosing to reference DPWS libraries, you can provide service-hosting functionality, invoke Web Services, and implement certain .NET classes. Manually add these libraries with a seven-step procedure.

  • Using DPWS Namespaces
    More than a dozen DPWS namespaces, derived from the DPWS device stack DLLs, enhance your development options in the .NET Micro Framework.

  • Generating Service Model Code Using MfSvcUtil
    Use MfSvcUtil to generate service model code.

  • Initializing the Device
    Initialize the device information, add a service, and start the device stack.

  • Defining Service Operations
    You can define the operations in a service using MfSvcUtil-generated code for the service class.

  • Subscribing to Events
    DPWS supports event subscription under the WS-Eventing specification, allowing other devices to register with your device to receive notifications when something happens.

  • Handling Exceptions
    The DPWS device stack is built to catch and handle most of the exceptions that can happen during the processing of Web Services messages.

  • Understanding Threads
    Three main threads of the DPWS device stack process the eventing queue, along with UDP and HTTP requests.

  • Discovering Services Using the DPWS Client
    Seek and retrieve services using Probe and Resolve methods before sending a request to a Web Service.

  • Using the DPWS Client
    Make a service call with your DPWS client class, a class that can be generated from a WSDL file using the MfSvcUtil tool.