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Graph Tool (Compact 2013)


You can use the Windows Embedded Compact Test Kit (CTK) Graph Tool to graphically display the results of key performance tests such as the Winsock, USB, and Bluetooth performance tests. You can run the Graph Tool in two ways: from within the Windows Embedded Compact Test Kit (CTK) or from the console command line. You can use the console version of the Graph Tool if you are running the supported performance test through Platform Builder and not the CTK. Use this method to process the performance results log and generate the graph.

If you choose to use the Graph Tool from within the CTK, you can run it in two different ways: integrated as part of viewing the results for a test or run directly from the Tools menu.

View Performance Test Results Graphically

You can run the Graph Tool from within the CTK as part of the process of viewing test results for the Winsock, USB, and Bluetooth performance tests.

To view performance test results graphically

  1. In the CTK, connect to a device. For more information, see Connect to a Device.

  2. Open a performance test, such as the Winsock Performance Test. For more information, see Winsock Performance Test.

  3. On the File menu, point to Open, and then click Test Pass.

  4. In the Open dialog box, select a test pass file, and then click Open.


    If a test pass already appears in the Test pass display window, you will be asked if you want to save the current test pass before you create a new test pass.

  5. In the Test pass display window, select the test cases or test case nodes that you want to run.

  6. On the Tests menu, click Run Test Pass.

  7. After the test pass has finished running, click the View the Results for the Selected Test Pass icon in the toolbar or right-click the individual test and click View Test Results.

  8. On the Common Results View view that appears, in the Test Pass Results table, double-click the test results row for the successfully completed performance test.

  9. On the Graphical Results View view that appears, in the Test Case Results History table, in the Graph View column, click the document icon.

  10. In the window that opens, view the test results data in graphical format.

Run the Graph Tool from the CTK Tools Menu

In addition to running the Graph Tool from within the CTK as a test results viewing option, you can run the Graph Tool directly from the Tools menu.

To run the Graph Tool from the Tools menu

  1. In the CTK, on the Tools menu, click Graphical Performance Viewer.

  2. In the Graphical Performance Viewer dialog box, on the Simple tab, do the following:

    1. In the Test Dll Name list, select the configuration file for the type of performance test results to graph. For example, if you are graphing the Winsock Performance Test results, select perf_winsock2.
    2. Click the Open Notebook icon to view the selected configuration file.
    3. Next to Input File, click the Open Folder icon.
    4. In the Add File dialog box, select the input log file to use for graphing data.
    5. Change the folder path in Output or keep the default path.
  3. (Optional) Click the Advanced tab to add the following additional features to your graph:

    To add this optional feature

    Do the following

    To graph how performance varies over time

    1. Select Trend Analysis to graph multiple logs.
    2. Next to Input File(s) click the open folder icon.
    3. In the Add File dialog box, select an input log file to use.
    4. Click Add more logs to add more input logs for the trend analysis. You can use a maximum of 10 input log files.

    To graph multiple logs using one test log as a benchmark

    1. Next to Input File(s) click the open folder icon.
    2. In the Add file dialog box, select an input log file to use.
    3. Click Add more logs to add more input logs.
    4. Next to Benchmark File click the open folder icon.
    5. In the Add file dialog box, select an input log file to use as a benchmark.

    To run Microsoft Excel after the graphs are drawn

    Select Launch Excel. This option is selected by default.

    To output graphs in an MIME HTML (MHTML) webpage archive format

    Select mht.

    To output graphs as JPEG image files

    Select Images.

    To select a line, plotted point, or bar graph

    Select Graph Type.

    To set the font size

    Select a Font Size.

  4. Do one of the following:

    • Click Run to generate graphs.
    • Click Reset to reset to the default setting.
    • Click Close to exit.

Run the Graph Tool as a Console Application

In addition to running the Graph Tool from within the CTK, you can run the Graph Tool as a console application.

For more information about command-line parameters, see Graph Tool Command Line Parameters.

To run the Graph Tool as a console application

  1. Open a Command Prompt window.

  2. Navigate to the folder where the Graph Tool is installed. The default location is:
    C:\Program Files\WindowsEmbeddedCompact2013TestKit\GraphTool\bin\


    By default, the Graph Tool configuration files are located at:
    C:\Program Files\WindowsEmbeddedCompact2013TestKit\GraphTool\ConfigFiles</CODE>

  3. Type the following command, replacing placeholder text with your specific test information:

    GraphToolConsole.exe -c <config_file> -i <input_log_file> -t <test_dll_name>

See Also


Compact Test Kit Overview