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Run CTK Tests from a Test Pass (Compact 2013)


There are several options for running a Windows Embedded Compact Test Kit (CTK) test pass that is the currently active test pass in the Test pass display window.

Run All Tests in a Test Pass

To run a test, you first need to create a new test pass or open an existing test pass. For information about creating a new test pass, see Create a Test Pass.

To run all the tests in a test pass

  1. In the Windows Embedded Compact Test Kit (CTK), connect to a device. For more information, see Connect to a Device.

  2. On the File menu, point to Open, and then click Test Pass.

  3. Select a test pass file in the Open dialog box, and then click Open.

  4. In the Test pass display window for your device, on the Tests menu, click Run Test Pass.

All the tests in the test pass will run sequentially starting at the top node of the test pass tree.

Run Select Test Cases

You can choose the specific tests that you want to run during the test pass.

To run multiple selected test cases in the test pass

  1. In the CTK, connect to a device.

  2. On the File menu, point to Open, and then click Test Pass.

  3. In the Open dialog box, select a test pass file, and then click Open.

  4. In the Test pass display window, select the test cases or test case nodes that you want to run, and then clear any test cases or test case nodes that you do not want to run.

  5. On the Tests menu, click Run Test Pass.

All the selected test cases in the test pass will run sequentially starting at the top node of the test pass tree.

To run one specific test in the test pass

  1. In the CTK, connect to a device.

  2. On the File menu, point to Open, and then click Test Pass.

  3. In the Open dialog box, select a test pass file, and then click Open.

  4. In the Test Pass display window, select the individual test case or test case node that you want to run.

  5. Right-click the selection, and then click Run Test.

The selected test or all of the tests in the selected node will run, sequentially from the top down.

View Test Progress

As each test in the test pass is run, the Test pass display window shows the status of each test appended to each test name in brackets. For example, if a test named DirectDraw Performance Test is running, the name is displayed as DirectDraw Performance Test [In Progress]. Also, the green status bar at the bottom of the Windows Embedded Compact Test Kit main window displays the progress of the test.

After a test has completed its run, the results of the tests are displayed in the brackets appended to the test name. For example, depending on the results of the test, you will see either DirectDraw Performance Test [Passed] or DirectDraw Performance Test [Failed]. In addition, the text color of the test name is changed to green if the test passed or red if the test failed.

As the tests are run, the Kernel Independent Transport Layer (KITL) debug message output is displayed in the Connection Output window.

Stop a Test

You can stop a test in progress.

To stop a test

  • On the Test menu, click Stop Test Pass.

See Also


Run a Test