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SkipRearm (Standard 7 Package Reference)


SkipRearm specifies whether to reset the Windows licensing state when you generalize a computer. You can generalize an installation by using the Sysprep command with the /generalize option, or you can use the Generalize setting.

Resetting the Windows licensing state means that all licensing and registry data related to activation is either removed or reset. The Activation grace-period timer is also reset.

The Activation grace period is typically 30 days. It begins after Windows Setup finishes and the computer boots for the first time. While there is no limit to the number of times that the Sysprep command can run on a computer, there is a limit to the number of times Windows can be rearmed. Typically, a system can be rearmed only three times. Using this setting enables you to run the Sysprep command multiple times without resetting the activation clock.


Typically while creating a deployment image, you will run the Sysprep command multiple times.
To ensure that an installation of an image receives the full Activation grace period:

  1. Set the SkipRearm to 1 while customizing your computer.
  2. Before running the Sysprep command the final time before deploying an image, rearm the computer by setting the SkipRearm setting to 0. This resets the Activation grace-period timer.

You can review the number of times you can use the SkipRearm setting by running the Slmgr.vbs /dlv command.



Specifies that the Windows licensing state will be restored to the original, out-of-box licensing state, and that licensing settings are restored to their defaults.


Specifies that the Windows licensing state will not be changed. The Activation grace-period timer is not reset.

The default value for this setting is 0.

Valid Passes


See Also

