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Solution Explorer View (Compact 2013)


Solution Explorer view provides you with an organized view of your projects and their files, and ready access to commands for them. In Windows Embedded Compact 2013, Solution Explorer shows the file hierarchy for your OS design and any subprojects that you might have loaded. It also provides a Favorites folder for frequently used files or directories.

The view is a tree with the name of the solution as the root node. The subnodes of this node are described below.

To search the contents of the files in a Solution Explorer subtree, right-click the root of the subtree and select Find in Files. For more information about Solution Explorer, see the Visual Studio documentation.

Platform Builder The Folder Tree

The folder tree subnode displays the folder tree for the active OS design, augmented with information from sources and dirs files. For more information about sources and dirs files, see Sources File and Dirs File.

The subnode is labeled by %_WINCEROOT%, which by default is C:\WINCE800. For information about the structure of the %_WINCEROOT% folder tree, see Directory Structure Overview. The subfolders of %_WINCEROOT% (for example, Platform, Private and Public) can contain a number of dependency trees. For example, subfolder %_WINCEROOT%\Platform might contain the CEPC and common dependency trees.

The root of a dependency tree contains one or more sources or dirs files in addition to the cesysgen folder. Each dirs file lists the folders that contain sources subprojects, and these folders are indicated with a distinctive icon by Solution Explorer. For example, the root of the %_WINCEROOT%\public\common dependency tree contains the oak and sdk folders, and a dirs file which lists oak and sdk as sources subprojects. The oak folder, in turn, contains a dirs file which list many subproject trees.

Each sources subproject**includes the following types of files:

  • Include files
  • Resource files
  • Source files


Add frequently-used subprojects to the Favorites subnode to assist in navigation. To do this, right-click on the subproject and then click Show in Favorites.

Parameter Files

Solution Explorer displays the active solution’s parameter files in the Parameter Files subnode. It shows files with these extensions: .bib, .dat, .db and .reg.


If you have any software development kits (SDKs) based on the currently active OS design, Solution Explorer displays these in alphabetical order under the SDKs subnode. You can view and modify the properties of a selected SDK by right-clicking the SDK and selecting Properties.


If you have any subproject (.pbpxml) files that are loaded in the currently active OS design, Solution Explorer displays these subprojects in alphabetical order under the Subprojects subnode. You can view the files that each subproject contains.

See Also


Catalog Items View

Other Resources

Platform Builder Views