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TaskDialogIndirect (Compact 2013)


Creates, displays, and operates a task dialog box.


HRESULT WINAPI TaskDialogIndirect(
    const TASKDIALOGCONFIG* pTaskConfig,
    int* pnButton,
    int* pnRadioButton,
    BOOL* pfVerificationFlagChecked


  • pTaskConfig
    [in] Pointer to a TASKDIALOGCONFIG structure that contains information used to display the task dialog.
  • pnButton
    [out] Address of a variable that receives one of the button IDs specified in the pButtons member of the pTaskConfig parameter, or one of the following defined values:

    • 0: Function call failed. Refer to return value for more information.
    • IDOK (1): Ok soft key was pressed.
    • IDCANCEL (2): Cancel soft key was pressed.
    • IDRETRY (4): Retry soft key or menu item was selected.
    • IDYES (6): Yes soft key or menu item was selected.
    • IDNO (7): No soft key or menu item was selected.
    • IDCLOSE (8): Close soft key or menu item was selected.

    If this parameter is NULL, no value is returned.

  • pnRadioButton
    [out] Address of a variable that receives one of the button IDs specified in the pRadioButtons member of the pTaskConfig parameter.

    If this parameter is NULL, no value is returned.

  • pfVerificationFlagChecked
    [out] Address of a variable that receives one of the following values:

    TRUE: The verification checkbox was checked when the dialog was dismissed.

    FALSE: The verification checkbox was not checked when the dialog was dismissed.

    If this parameter is NULL, the function returns no value.

Return Value

Returns one of the following values:

S_OK if the operation completed successfully.

E_OUTOFMEMORY if insufficient memory is available to complete the operation.

E_INVALIDARG if one or more arguments are invalid.

E_FAIL if the operation failed.


The TaskDialogIndirect function creates, displays, and operates a task dialog box. A task dialog box is a XAML-based dialog box that can contain resources and controls such as application-defined icons, messages, a title, a verification check box, command links, push buttons, and radio buttons. Using TaskDialogCallbackProc, you can register a callback function to receive notification messages.

By default, a task dialog box is modal. To support modeless mode, the application must set TDEXF_MODELESS.




See Also


Task Dialogs Functions
Shell Controls Reference
Task Dialogs Reference