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EapHostPeerCredentialsXml2Blob (Compact 2013)


Generates the credentials BLOB. The credentials BLOB contains only user data such as username, password, and PIN. A configuration BLOB, in contrast, contains the settings that control the behavior of the method.


DWORD WINAPI EapHostPeerCredentialsXml2Blob(
  __in   DWORD dwFlags,
  __in   IXMLDOMNode* pCredentialsDoc,
  __in   DWORD dwSizeOfConfigIn,
  __in   BYTE* pConfigIn,
  __out  DWORD* pdwSizeofCredentialsOut,
  __out  BYTE** ppCredentialsOut,
  __out  EAP_METHOD_TYPE* pEapMethodType,
  __out  EAP_ERROR** ppEapError


  • dwFlags
    Not used. Set to 0.
  • pCredentialsDoc
    A pointer to an XML node of a document that contains credentials which are either user or computer credentials depending on the passed-in configuration.
  • dwSizeOfConfigIn
    The size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by the pConfigIn parameter.
  • pConfigIn
    A pointer to a byte buffer that contains a configuration BLOB for which the credentials are configured. The buffer is of size dwSizeofConfigIn.
  • pdwSizeofCredentialsOut
    The size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by ppCredentialsOut.
  • ppCredentialsOut
    A pointer to a pointer to a byte buffer that receives the credentials BLOB buffer generated by the input XML. The buffer can is of size pdwSizeofCredentialsOut. After using the data, this memory must be freed by calling EapHostPeerFreeMemory.
  • pEapMethodType
    A pointer to an EAP_METHOD_TYPE structure referred to in the XML document.
  • ppEapError
    A pointer to a pointer to an EAP_ERROR structure that contains any errors raised by EAPHost during the execution of this function call. After using the error data, this memory must be freed by calling EapHostPeerFreeErrorMemory.


The configuration BLOB is originally returned by one of the following methods:

  • EapHostPeerGetResult
    Obtains the authentication result for the specified EAP authentication session.

The XML based credentials come from a system administrator.

See Also


EAPHost Supplicant Configuration Functions