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EapHostPeerMethodResult (Compact 2013)


This structure contains the result data generated by EAPHost during an authentication session that is then passed to an EAP method.


typedef struct {
  BOOL fIsSuccess;
  UINT32 dwFailureReasonCode;
  BOOL fSaveConnectionData;
  UINT32 dwSizeofConnectionData;
  BYTE* pConnectionData;
  BOOL fSaveUserData;
  UINT32 dwSizeofUserData;
  BYTE* pUserData;
  EAP_ATTRIBUTES* pAttribArray;
  ISOLATION_STATE isolationState;
  EAP_METHOD_INFO* pEapMethodInfo;
  EAP_ERROR* pEapError;
} EapHostPeerMethodResult


  • fIsSuccess
    If TRUE, the supplicant was successfully authenticated; if FALSE, it was not.
  • dwFailureReasonCode
    Contains a reason code if the supplicant could not be authenticated.
  • fSaveConnectionData
    If true, the connection data specified in pConnectionData data must be persisted to disk; otherwise, it does not need to be saved.
  • dwSizeofConnectionData
    The size, in bytes, of pConnectionData.
  • pConnectionData
    A pointer to a byte buffer that contains information on the connection over which the EAP authentication session is held.
  • fSaveUserData
    If true, the user data specified in pUserData data must be persisted to disk; otherwise, it does not need to be saved.
  • dwSizeofUserData
    The size, in bytes, of pUserData.
  • pUserData
    A pointer to a byte buffer that contains information on the supplicant user that requested the EAP authentication session.
  • pAttribArray
    Pointer to an EAP_ATTRIBUTES array structure that contains attributes of the authentication session.
  • isolationState
    An ISOLATION_STATE link value that indicates the isolation state of the authentication session connection.
  • pEapMethodInfo
    A pointer to an EAP_METHOD_INFO structure that contains information about the EAP method that performed authentication for the supplicant.
  • pEapError
    A pointer to the EAP_ERROR structure that contains any errors raised by EAPHost during the execution of this function call. After using the error data, this memory must be freed by calling EapHostPeerFreeEapError.

See Also


EAPHost Supplicant Structures