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Hardware-Accelerated Graphics (Compact 2013)


Hardware acceleration for XAML for Windows Embedded caches rendered UI elements in graphics memory, consuming more memory but resulting in better graphics performance.

In XAML for Windows Embedded, you can support hardware-accelerated graphics so that UI elements are displayed more efficiently, and improve a user’s experience with the UI. Hardware-accelerated UI elements require more memory to render on the display screen.

You can decide to support hardware-accelerated graphics either with DirectDraw or with OpenGL.


If you implement hardware acceleration based on OpenGL, the XAML UI that is rendered on the screen has a maximum size limitation of 2048 × 2048 pixels.

The default implementation of hardware acceleration uses GDI.

To support hardware-accelerated graphics in XAML for Windows Embedded, you must support specific hardware and drivers on your hardware board.

For recommendations on which hardware to use with XAML for Windows Embedded, see XAML for Windows Embedded Hardware Recommendations.

To add this feature to your OS, see XAML for Windows Embedded Catalog Items and Sysgen Variables and BSP Environment Variables.

For reference information, see IXRBitmapCache.

Source code for this feature is available at %_WINCEROOT%\PUBLIC\COMMON\OAK\XAMLRENDERPLUGIN.

For step-by-step guidelines for implementing hardware acceleration, see the XAML for Windows Embedded Application Development.

See Also

Other Resources

XAML for Windows Embedded