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IXmlReader Methods (Compact 2013)


This section describes the IXmlReader methods.

In This Section

  • CreateXmlReader
    Creates a new IXmlReader (this constructor is a global function)
  • GetBaseUrii
    Returns the base URI of the token, if applicable
  • GetDepth
    Returns the depth of the current node
  • GetLineNumber
    Returns the line number where the reader is positioned in the document
  • GetLinePosition
    Returns the line position where the reader is positioned in the document
  • GetLocalName
    Returns the local name of the node upon which the reader is currently position
  • GetNamespaceUri
    Returns the namespace URI of the node upon which the reader is currently positioned
  • GetPrefix
    Returns the prefix of the node upon which the reader is currently positioned
  • GetQualifiedName
    Returns the qualified name of the node upon which the reader is currently positioned
  • GetValue
    Returns the value of the current token, if applicable
  • IsDefault
    Indicates whether the attribute was specified in the source document or implied by the DTD
  • IsEmptyElement
    Indicates whether the element is empty. This method allows for the client to differentiate between elements that have a closing tag but do not contain content, and elements that do not have a closing tag.
  • IsEOF
    Returns TRUE if the end of the input is reached
  • MoveToElement
    Moves to the element that owns the current attribute node
  • Read
    Reads the next node from the stream and returns the node type
  • ReadValueChunk
    Reads up to a maximum of the specified chunk size (as available) from the value of the current node, and copies the value into the specified buffer
  • SetInput
    Sets the input source of the XML document that is to be parsed

See Also


IXmlReader Properties