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IP Helper Kernel-Mode Functions (Compact 2013)


This section describes functions that retrieve and modify configuration settings for the TCP/IP transport on a local device.

In This Section

Interface Conversion Functions

Interface Management Functions

  • GetIfStackTable (NETIOAPI)
    Retrieves a table of network interface stack row entries that specify the relationship of the network interfaces on an interface stack.
  • GetInvertedIfStackTable (NETIOAPI)
    Retrieves a table of inverted network interface stack row entries that specify the relationship of the network interfaces on an interface stack.

IP Address Management Functions

  • CreateSortedAddressPairs (NETIOAPI)
    Pairs the destination addresses together with the host machine's local IP addresses and sorts the pairs according to the preferred order of communication.

IP Neighbor Address Management Functions

IP Path Management Functions

IP Route Management Functions

  • GetBestRoute2 (NETIOAPI)
    Retrieves the IP route entry on a local device for the best route to the specified destination IP address.

IP Table Memory Management Functions

  • FreeMibTable (NETIOAPI)
    Frees the buffer that is allocated by the functions that return tables of network interfaces, addresses, and routes.

Notification Functions

  • CancelMibChangeNotify2 (NETIOAPI)
    Deregisters a driver change notification for IP interface changes, IP address changes, IP route changes, and requests to retrieve the stable Unicast IP address table.

See Also


IP Helper Reference