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XmlWriterProperty_Indent (Compact 2013)


This property specifies whether to indent appropriate nodes in the XML output. The type of this property is Boolean.

The default value is FALSE.


This property can be set and retrieved by using the SetProperty (IXmlReader) and GetProperty (IXmlReader) methods.

When this property is set to TRUE, each level of indentation is two spaces.

IXmlWriter indents the following types of nodes only; all other node types are not indented.

  • DocumentType
  • Element
  • Comment
  • ProcessingInstruction
  • CDATASection

Be aware that the internal subset of the Document Type Definition (DTD) has no indentation or formatting.

See Also


IXmlWriter Properties
SetProperty (IXmlReader)
GetProperty (IXmlReader)
IXmlWriter Methods