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Dot11ExtSendPacket (Compact 2013)


The IHV Extensions DLL calls this function to transmit a packet through the wireless LAN (WLAN) adapter.


DWORD WINAPI Dot11ExtSendPacket(
    HANDLE hDot11SvcHandle,
    ULONG uPacketLen,
    LPVOID pvPacket,
    HANDLE hSendCompletion


  • hDot11SvcHandle
    [in] The handle that is used by the operating system to reference the WLAN adapter. This handle value was specified through a previous call to the Dot11ExtIhvInitAdapter IHV Handler function.
  • uPacketLen
    [in] The length, in bytes, of the caller-allocated buffer referenced by the pvPacket parameter.
  • pvPacket
    A pointer to a caller-allocated buffer that contains the data to be transmitted.


    The IHV Extensions DLL must format the packet data as a complete IEEE 802.11 packet, with an 802.11 MAC header formatted according to the guidelines discussed in 802.11 MAC Header Management.

  • hSendCompletion
    [in] A handle value that uniquely identifies the send packet.

    When the WLAN adapter finishes the send operation, the operating system notifies the IHV Extensions DLL through a call to the Dot11ExtIhvSendPacketCompletion IHV Handler function. When it makes this call, the operating system passes the handle value of the packet through the hSendCompletion parameter.

Return Value

If the call succeeds, the function returns ERROR_SUCCESS. If the call completes asynchronously, the return value is ERROR_IO_PENDING. Otherwise, it returns an error code defined in Winerror.h.


The IHV Extensions DLL must follow these guidelines when calling the Dot11ExtSendPacket function.

If return value is ERROR_IO_PENDING, the packet sent through a call of the Dot11ExtSendPacket function will complete asynchronously. The IHV Extensions DLL must not free the memory referenced by the pvPacket parameter until the Dot11ExtIhvSendPacketCompletion IHV Handler function is called with the same handle value as the hSendCompletion parameter.

The IHV Extensions DLL must set the hSendCompletion parameter to a value that uniquely identifies the packet data that is referenced by the pvPacket parameter.

If return value is any other value, the call has completed synchronously and Dot11ExtIhvSendPacketCompletion IHV Handler function will not be called.




See Also


Native 802.11 IHV Extensibility Functions
Native 802.11 IHV Handler Functions
Native 802.11 IHV Extensions DLL