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Find a Package in Image Configuration Editor (Standard 7 SP1)


You can install the Windows Embedded Standard 7 Toolkit on a development computer and use the Standard 7 Toolkit tools to develop, build, deploy, and service an image.

For information about packages, see Packages. For information about Image Configuration Editor, see Image Configuration Editor User Interface.

Hardware and Software Assumptions

You have installed the Standard 7 Toolkit on a development computer that meets the Requirements for a Development Computer.

To find a package by using ICE (Image Configuration Editor):

  1. In ICE, open the distribution share or answer file in which you want to search.

  2. From the Edit menu, click Find.


    If you have not opened a distribution share or answer file before clicking Find, this procedure will not return any results.

  3. Type the terms for which you want to search in the drop-down box.

  4. In the Look in box, select the sources in which you want to search. The options are to search in distribution shares and answer files.

  5. Select whether your search terms are formatted as normal expressions or as regular expressions. By default, your search terms are formatted as normal expressions. For information about Regular Expressions and Regular Expression Language Elements, see the following MSDN article.

  6. In the Options box, select the options you want to apply to your search.The following five options are available:

    • Match whole word: The search will return only terms that match whole words from the search terms.
    • Search property/setting value: The search will examine the Properties and Settings fields in each package (and Answer file, if selected) for the search terms.
    • Search file names in packages: The search will examine the File Name field in each package (and Answer file, if selected) for the search terms.
    • Search driver hardware ids: The search will examine the Driver Hardware ID field in each package (and Answer file, if selected) for the search terms.
    • Search Registry: The search will examine the registry of each package (and Answer file, if selected) for the search terms. You can search the registry keys, registry values, or registry data.
  7. Click the Find button to start the search. The search results are shown in the bottom half of the window.

Next Steps

After you have used ICE to find packages, the next step is to add the packages to an answer file. For more information about answer files, see Answer Files in Standard 7.

See Also


Image Configuration Editor User Interface