EWF Performance Considerations (Standard 7 SP1)
This section includes topics about how you can improve the performance of your run-time image with Enhanced Write Filter (EWF) enabled.
In This Section
- Change the Location of the Event Log
Describes how to change the location of the system event log to a nonprotected volume.
- Change the Location of the Pagefile
Describes how to change the location of a system pagefile to a nonprotected volume.
- Change the Location of the Temporary Files Folder
Describes how to change the location of the temporary files directory to a nonprotected volume.
- Disable Last Access Time Stamps
Describes how to disable NTFS last access time stamps.
- Disable Prefetch
Describes how to disable Prefetch to improve EWF performance.
- Disable System Restore
Describes how to disable system restore.
Related Sections
- Enhanced Write Filter with HORM
Describes the Enhanced Write Filter Help topics.
Describes the Enhanced Write Filter API functions.
- EWF Design Considerations
Describes some considerations to make when configuring EWF.