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Command Line Parameters for the Direct3D Mobile Performance Test (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The Direct3D Mobile Performance Test executes the s tux -o -d D3DM_PerfTest command line on default execution. To perform in-depth testing of your driver, you may customize the test run with any of the following command line parameters.

Command line parameter Description


Displays command line parameters for this test.

-swdevice dll_name

If present, loads the specified driver library. Otherwise, the default device will be used, if present.


Disable texture mapping. The default is texture mapping enabled.


Disable sphere rotation between frames. This allows for consistent comparisons between transformed and untransformed performance runs.


Use ProcessVertices for transformation and lighting.


Use pre-transformed and lit vertices. Equivalent to using -norotate and -procvert.


Use DrawIndexedPrimitive. By default, DrawPrimitive is used.


Use Triangle Lists. By default, Triangle Strips are used.

-light #

Number of lights to display. Must be 0, 1, 2, or 3. Use 0 to use PreLit vertices. By default, 1 light is used.

-frames #

Number of frames to run before exiting. Use -1 for infinite run. By default, 200 frames are run.

-output #

Number of frames to run between outputting information. Use -1 for no during-run output. By default, no during-run output is produced (default value of -1).

-stripsize ##

Specify size of strip (width, height). Numbers must be divisible by two. This is the number of vertices in each dimension. The number of polygons displayed will be approximately (2 * width * height polygons); extra polygons may be added to the end of each row to allow the sphere to be rendered from a single strip. The exact number of polygons used will be provided in the output. By default, width is set to 20, and height is set to 20.

-stripnum #

Number of strips to display. By default, 20 strips are displayed.

-log type

Specify output location of performance log:

-csvfile file_name

Specify the .csv file name while logging to .csv file

See Also

Other Resources

Direct3D Mobile Performance Test