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Test Cases for the Touch Panel Test (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The touch panel test includes cases in several categories, as shown in the following list:

  • API Tests: These test cases verify that the touch driver architecture processes touch panel operations correctly.
  • Function Tests: These test cases verify that the touch-panel architecture processes the touch-panel operations correctly.
  • Performance Tests: These test cases verify that the touch driver architecture processes sample input data at a sufficient rate.

The following tables show the test cases for the touch panel test.

API Tests

Test Case Result


Query Device Caps Test

Tests the TouchPanelGetDeviceCaps function. This test case uses both the TPDC_SAMPLE_RATE_ID and TPDC_CALIBRATION_POINT_COUNT_ID flags. This test case fails if the TouchPanelGetDeviceCaps function call fails with either of the specified flags. If the touch panel driver does not export a TouchPanelGetDeviceCaps function, the system skips this test case.


Set Sample Rate Test

Tests the TouchPanelSetMode function. The test case uses both the TPSM_SAMPLE_RATE_LOW_ID and TPSM_SAMPLE_RATE_HIGH_ID flags. The test case verifies the sample rate settings with the TouchPanelGetDeviceCaps function. This test case fails if either the TouchPanelSetMode function call or the TouchPanelGetDeviceCaps function call fails. If the touch panel driver does not export a TouchPanelSetMode or TouchPanelGetDeviceCaps function, the system skips this test case.


Set Priority Test

Tests the TouchPanelSetMode function, if the function is supported by the touch panel driver. This test case verifies the priority settings. The test case uses both TPSM_PRIORITY_HIGH_ID and TPSM_PRIORITY_NORMAL_ID flags.


Read Calibration Point Test

Tests the TouchPanelReadCalibrationPoint function, which reads a single point of data from the touch panel. This test case requires you to firmly touch and release the screen once during the test. The test case prompts you when this action is necessary. This test case fails if the TouchPanelReadCailbrationPoint function call fails. Failure can occur if the function is implemented incorrectly, if the touch panel driver fails to recognize your touch on the touch panel as calibration data, or if you fail to touch the panel when prompted. If the touch panel driver does not export a TouchPanelReadCalibrationPoint or TouchPanelReadCalibrationAbort function, the system skips this test case.


Calibration Abort Test

Tests the TouchPanelReadCalibrationAbort function, which aborts a TouchPanelReadCalibrationPoint function call. The test case requires that you do not touch the touch panel for the duration of the test. This test case fails if the TouchPanelReadCalibrationPoint function call succeeds. Failure can occur if you touch the touch panel. If the touch panel driver does not export a TouchPanelReadCalibrationPoint or TouchPanelReadCalibrationAbort function, the something skips this test case.


Calibration Test

Tests the calibration of the touch panel. This test case calibrates the touch panel if it is not already calibrated, and then calls the TouchPanelCalibrateAPoint function with a range of point values to verify success. This test case fails if calibration fails for any reason, or if the TouchPanelCalibrateAPoint function call fails on any value. If the touch-panel driver does not export a TouchPanelCalibrateAPoint function, the something skips this test case.


Initialize Cursor Test

Tests the TouchPanelInitializeCursor function. The test case calls the TouchPanelInitializeCursor function and passes a sample callback routine to verify that the function call succeeds. This test case fails if the TouchPanelInitializeCursor function call fails when passed a proper callback routine. If the touch panel driver does not export a TouchPanelInitializeCursor function, the system skips this test case.


Power Handler Test

Calls the TouchPanelPowerHandler function. This test case powers the touch panel off, then powers it back on. This test is skipped if the touch-panel driver does not export the TouchPanelPowerHandler function.

Function Tests

Test Case Result


Point Test

Tests the ability of the touch driver to properly detect pen coordinates on the touch panel. This test case requires you to tap the touch panel in several locations when prompted. This test case relies on the callback routine to receive touch event coordinates. This test case fails if you do not respond to a tap request within approximately 10 seconds. Also, this test case fails if you choose No at the end of the test.


Drawing Test

Tests the ability of the touch driver to properly detect tap, release, and pen coordinates on the touch panel. This test case requires you to draw on the touch panel when prompted. This test case fails only if you choose No at the end of the test.


Pen Up/Down Test

Tests the ability of the touch panel driver to properly detect tap and release events on the touch panel. This test case requires you to tap and release the touch panel when prompted. The test case relies on the callback routine to successfully receive data matching the TOUCH_PANEL_SAMPLE_FLAGS data type. This test fails if you do not properly tap and release the touch panel when prompted. If you do not respond to the tap or release instructions, the test times out after approximately 10 seconds and fails.

Performance Tests

Test Case Result


PDD Performance Test — Sample Size 100

Tests the rate at which the touch driver PDD processes sample input data from the touch screen. This test case uses drawing on the screen as the means to collect sample data. When prompted to do so, draw vigorously on the screen. The screen clears itself after collecting 100 samples. After the screen clears, lift the pen from the screen. Shortly thereafter, a message appears, indicating the calculated sample rate. Answer the prompt asking whether the drawing completed successfully. This test case fails if you answer No.


PDD Performance Test — Sample Size 300

Identical to test case 9001, with the exception that it uses a sample size of 300, rather than 100.


PDD Performance Test — Sample Size 500

Identical to test case 9001, with the exception that it uses a sample size of 500, rather than 100.

See Also

Other Resources

Touch Panel Test