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Command Line Parameters for the DirectShow Performance Tests (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The DirectShow Performance Tests execute the tux -o -d dshow_glitchfree.dll command line on default execution. This runs all the clips listed in playlist.xml over all protocols, each clip running under each protocol once. The test as run will give dropped frame statistics upon completion but will not generate logs.

You can generate a performance log by including it in the command line. The general form is tux -o -d dshow_glitchfree.dll -c "command_specifications". The flags that can be used for the command specifications are listed in the following table.

Command line parameter Description

/protocol type

Specifies the protocol used to run the test. The protocol URLs must be specified in playlist.xml; see detailed information below on creating and modifying playlist.xml. If you specify multiple protocols, the test runs through each specified protocol. If multiple protocols are listed, they should be separated by commas; for example, HTTP,MMST. Valid options are:


MMST: Use MMS over TCP

MMSU: Use MMS over UDP

Local: Run content from the local storage device

These options are case-sensitive. Default is to execute all protocols.

/clipid list

Specifies the clips listed in playlist.xml that should be used. If multiple clips are specified, each clip will be used in turn. If multiple clips are listed, they should be separated by commas. Default is to use all the clips listed in playlist.xml.

The clips specified in this parameter must be listed in playlist.xml. The clip names are case-sensitive.

/repeat n

Specifies the number of times to repeat the test for each clip across each protocol. Increasing this number can give you more stable results. Default is 1.

/perflog .

Specifies that the performance log be generated and saved. Inclusion of this switch causes generation of the log file \Release\dshow_pb_stats.log.

This parameter must be used exactly as specified; that is, with the exact syntax "/perflog .". There is a period (".") after the "/perflog" command, and a space between the command and the period.

/status type

Specifies the health status type to output. A log is generated for each clip every time it is run. Use of the parameter spawns a background thread to allocate memory and poll the dropped frames interface. This has the potential to adversely affect performance. See the /interval parameter below. Valid options are:

CPU: output CPU measurements

MEM: output memory load measurements

These options are case-sensitive.

/interval n

If the /status flag is used, this specifies the interval between sampling in milliseconds. Decreasing this interval can negatively impact performance; increasing it can improve performance. If the /status flag is not used, this parameter is ignored. Default is 120.

/playlist path\xml_media_file

Specifies the name and location of the media content xml file. Default is to look for the playlist.xml file in the current running directory.

/drm true|false

Specifies whether to choose the DRM URL from the media xml file. You may specify a URL for the DRM version of a clip in the media file and then choose to run either DRM content or open content. Default is false (that is, use the regular URL for the specified protocol).

The true and false options of this parameter are case sensitive, and must be given in lower case

/vrmode mode

Specifies the mode in which the video rendered should run. Valid options are:

GDI: renderer runs in GDI mode

DDRAW: renderer runs in DDRAW mode

These options are case-sensitive.

The DDRAW SYSGEN must be present in the OS for the renderer to run in DDRAW mode

/maxbackbuffers n

Specifies the number of backbuffers used by the video renderer. The default is 1.

This flag updates the registry value, which has a default value of 1. However, the test will not revert this registry value to its original value after test completion.

The following is an example of a recommended command line which plays all clips listed in playlist.xml:

tux -o -d dshow_glitchfree.dll -c "/repeat 10 /perflog . /status CPU,MEM /protocol HTTP,Local,MMST,MMSU"

See Also

Other Resources

DirectShow Performance Tests