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Command Line Parameters for the Waveform Audio Driver Test (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


This test library can have one or more optional command line entries to change the behavior of the test. To specify the optional command-line entries to the test library, you must use the –c command line option. This option forces Tux to pass the specified string into the test library. For more information about how to edit the command line for a test, see Editing the Command-Line for a Test.

Full duplex drivers are typically tested with the s tux -o -d wavetest -c "-i -d 5" command line, which uses 5-second tones and prompts for confirmation.

Half duplex drivers are typically tested with the s tux -o -d wavetest -c "-i -d 5 -e" command line, which also uses 5-second tones and prompts for confirmation. You must provide sound when the device records because the hardware or driver does not support playback and capture simultaneously.

Full duplex drivers on a headless device/image are typically tested with the s tux -o -d wavetest -c "-i -h" command line.


Make sure you are reading the debug spew, since that is where you will be prompted by text for an interactive user response.

The following table shows the optional command line parameters for the Waveform Audio Driver Test.

Command line parameter Description


Forces the test to stop and prompt you for confirmation. You can run the test with this parameter to manually confirm that audio plays and records correctly.


Run the tests on a headless device. Prompts will be textual in the debug output. Interactive input will be entered through a keyboard attached to the headless device.

This parameter is designed to be used with the -i parameter, thus allowing you to run the tests in interactive mode on a headless device. (The system must have at least SYSGEN_MININPUT level of input support present.)

-d duration

Sets the duration of the tone being played or captured for all test cases. Duration is given in units of seconds. The default value is 1 second.


Enables half-duplex testing and disables sound output when capturing. You must supply your own sound into the microphone when the test attempts to record sound.

You do not need to use this parameter if your driver or hardware cannot play and capture sound simultaneously.


Specifies which device to test. If your device is not the default device, use this parameter to specify that the device must be tested.


Specifies the path and filename of the CSV file in which to output Latency test results.

The default is to not save the results. If you specify –c but do not specify path\filename then the result is stored in \release\audio_latency_test_results.csv. The default file extension is .csv.


Specifies the latency test duration and wave characteristics.

d = playback/capture duration in milliseconds; default value is 1000.

f = the sample frequency; default value is 11025.

c = number of channels; default value is 1.

b = number of bits per sample, either 8 or 16; default value is 8.


Saves the audio file created by the playback interoperability test. Default is to not save the file. If you specify –v but do not specify path\filename then the file will be saved as \release\WaveInterOp.wav. Default file extension is .wav.


Sets the expected playtime allowance for playback test cases. Duration is given in units of milliseconds. If the testcase takes more time than ‘expected playtime + allowance’ or less time than ‘expected playtime – allowance’ for playback, then the testcase will fail.

The default value is 200 milliseconds.


Sets the expected capturetime allowance for capture test cases. Duration is given in units of milliseconds. If the testcase takes more time than ‘expected capturetime + allowance’ or less time than ‘expected capturetime – allowance’ for capture, then the testcase will fail.

The default value is 200 milliseconds.


Enables Power Management tests. By default, power management tests are skipped as not all systems support power management.


Sets the sleep interval for CALLBACK_NULL for all of the test cases. Duration is given in units of milliseconds.

The default value is 50 milliseconds.


Sets the number of threads for audio stability tests. This parameter is used by playback and capture mixing test cases to stress the system by launching the number of threads.

The default value is 9 threads. The maximum value you can specify is 40 threads.


Shows a help message containing all the parameters and their descriptions.

See Also

Other Resources

Waveform Audio Driver Test