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Wcetk.txt and Clientside.exe Settings for the CETK (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


This document discusses the settings needed for the Wcetk.txt and Clientside.exe files.

The Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Test Kit (CETK) requires a minimal number of SYSGENs to be present in the operating system of the Windows Embedded CE-based device in order for Clientside.exe to run properly. The following table shows the minimal required SYSGENs and their location in the catalog.

SYSGEN Name: Common name Location in the catalog

SYSGEN_SHELL: Target Control Support

%OSDesignName%\Core OS\CEBASE\Core OS Services\Kernel Functionality

SYSGEN_DEVICE: Device Manager

%OSDesignName%\Core OS\CEBASE\Core OS Services\

SYSGEN_LOCUSA: English (US) National Language Support only

%OSDesignName%\Core OS\CEBASE\International\Locale Services

The Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Test Kit (CETK) searches for a Wcetk.txt file when you specify no command line options for Clientside.exe. The CETK searches first for Wcetk.txt in the root directory and the Windows directory on the target device. If the CETK does not find Wcetk.txt in either of these locations, it searches for the file in the release directory on the development workstation.

The following table shows the settings that you can specify in a Wcetk.txt file. For each setting, the table also shows the equivalent command line option for Clientside.exe and the equivalent registry entry on the target device. The registry location for these is HKLM/Software/Microsoft/CETT.

Wcetk.txt setting Equivalent Clientside.exe option Equivalent target device registry entry Description



ServerName, with REG_SZ data type.

Computer name of the CETK server. The computer name must resolve to an Internet Protocol (IP) address. You cannot specify both SERVERNAME and SERVERIP for the CETK server.



ServerIP, with REG_SZ data type.

IP address of the CETK server. You cannot specify both SERVERNAME and SERVERIP for the CETK server.



PortNumber, with REG_DWORD data type.

Number of the port over which the CETK server communicates with the target device. You can find the port number in the Server Settings dialog box. For more information, see Configuring the CETK to Communicate with a Target Device.



Autorun="1", with REG_SZ data type.

When this setting in Wcetk.txt is assigned a value of 1, the target device automatically starts running tests after the connection to the CETK server is established and detection of peripheral devices completes. If you specify in Wcetk.txt any value not equal to 1, the target device connects and peripheral devices are detected, but tests do not launch without manual input.

Use the /a option in the command line for Clientside.exe to specify that the target device should automatically run tests after the connection to the CETK server is established and detection of peripheral devices completes. Do not specify a value for the /a option in the command line.



DefaultSuite, with REG_SZ data type.

Name of a test suite. If you do not specify a test suite, the default tests are selected.



Autorun="1", with REG_SZ data type.

Automatically exits after tests are complete.




This setting turns off automatic driver detection, which is on by default. For the Wcetk.txt and registry settings, any value other than 0 indicates that the driver autodetect remains on.


You can add comments to Wcetk.txt. A comment line begins with a semicolon.

The following text shows the contents of a sample Wcetk.txt file.

; Add comment here

See Also


Running the CETK Tool without the CETK Client in the Run-Time Image

Other Resources

Manual Connection of the CETK to a Target Device