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Running the Audio Quality Test (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


Applies to Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R2

The following procedure describes how to run the Audio Quality test. To run this test, you must install the RightMark Audio Analyzer (RMAA) on your test machine.

To run the Audio Quality Test

  1. Run the RMAA tests on the sound card you are calibrating.

    1. Connect a loop-back cable from the output of the calibration sound card to the input of the sound card being tested.
    2. In the Playback/recording devices dialog box, in the upper field select the sound card to be calibrated, and in the lower field select the sound card to used for calibration.
    3. At the lower-left corner of the dialog box, in the Run tests area, click Ee504750.7b5f07c6-7b24-438b-b025-569623c6e5e0(en-US,WinEmbedded.60).gif.
    4. Adjust the input and output levels according to the specifications in the RMAA 6.0 Users' Guide, available at this Audio RightMark Web site.
    5. Click Ee504750.7b5f07c6-7b24-438b-b025-569623c6e5e0(en-US,WinEmbedded.60).gif to launch the RMAA loop-back test, and save the results.
    6. Use the test results to verify the accuracy of the sound card you are using for calibration. The calibration sound card should be at least one order of magnitude more**precise than the standard against which you are measuring.
      The following table shows the minimum standards for passing the loop-back test:
    Metric STB/Media Device Industrial/Telecom Device

    Frequency Response



    IMD + Noise






  2. Run the Output Tests.

    1. Connect the output of the device being tested to input from the calibration sound card.
      Export the calibration file, Cal.wav, and the test file, Test.wav, using the Ee504750.5b0965df-01d1-40ac-8f22-a20801d6c6f6(en-US,WinEmbedded.60).gif button.
    2. Use the Windows Embedded CE Remote File Viewer to upload the calibration and test files to the test device.
    3. Use the Windows CE Command Prompt from within Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 to play the calibration file. In the Command Prompt window, type wavplay \cal.wav.
    4. Adjust the input levels as specified in the RMAA User's Guide.
    5. Start recording.
    6. Play the test file. At the command prompt in the Windows Embedded CE Command Prompt window, type wavplay \test.wav. This causes RMAA to run an output test of the audio device being tested. The calibration sound card that you set up in Step 1 records the results.
    7. Save the results.
  3. Run the Input Tests.

    1. Click Playback Only. RMAA plays the calibration tones through the calibration sound card to the device being tested.
    2. Click Done, then OK.
    3. Using the Windows Embedded CE Remote File Viewer, import the file, Test_in.wav, from the device being tested.
    4. Click Ee504750.6cc31423-e863-45f1-846b-e8376a4d0229(en-US,WinEmbedded.60).gif to load the recording. RMAA automatically runs a loop-back test of the audio device. If RMAA shows a Clipping Warning dialog box, reduce the output levels slightly and rerun the test.
    5. Save the results.
  4. Analyze the results.

    1. Load the results into the RMAA Test Results window.
    2. Compare the results to the minimum requirements, as shown in the following table.
    Metric STB/Media Device Industrial/Telecom Device

    Frequency Response



    IMD + Noise






See Also

Other Resources

Audio Quality Test