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PHCreateLabeledEditDisplayItem (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


This function creates a labeled edit control, including a tooltip if necessary. A labeled edit display item is a standard display item that all the applications in the IP Phone Suite or any other application using PhCommon use. This item has a label and houses an edit control over its client rectangle. For example, "Dial:_________" where "Dial" is the label and the blank area to its right is the edit control, and both are displayed within and over the client rectangle of the display item.


HRESULT  PHCreateLabeledEditDisplayItem(
    WCHAR* pLabelText,
    DWORD EditStyle,
    int EditTextLimit,
    IVoIPDisplayItem** ppItem,
    int DefaultLabelWidth = -1, 
    UINT DefaultInputMode = (UINT)-1 


  • pLabelText
    [in] A handle to a valid device context (DC).
  • EditStyle
    [in] The styles to use in the control, for example, WS_BORDER.
  • EditTextLimit
    [in] Limit to how much text is allowed in the control.
  • DefaultLabelWidth
    [in] The default label width desired, -1 means auto-calculate based on label.
  • DefaultInputMode
    [out] The default input mode to use, -1 means default to EIM_NUMBERS input mode.

Return Value

This control returns an HRESULT to indicated success or failure. The following table shows additional possible return values.

Value Description


The pointer to the IVoIPDisplayItemis invalid.


There is insufficient memory to create the new item.



This documentation applies to functionality implemented in sample code for PhCommon. For more information, see PhCommon Reference.

Please note that the default input mode (DefaultInputMode) only matters on devices that have IMEs supporting different modes, such as the multitap IME.


Header controldefinitions.h
Library PhCommon.dll
Windows Embedded CE Windows Embedded CE 6.0 and later

See Also


PhCommon Controls APIs
PhCommon Reference