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Web Server Catalog Items and Sysgen Variables (Compact 2013)


In Windows Embedded Compact, you can create web applications by implementing web server functionality. For example, you can write an application that configures a Windows Embedded Compact-powered device without a display screen by using a browser on a computer connected to that device through an Internet connection.

For more information about how to add or remove catalog items, see Create Your First OS.

Hardware and Software Requirements

Catalog Items and Sysgen Variables

The following table describes the catalog items and associated SYSGEN variables you can use to add web server functionality to your OS.

Catalog item

SYSGEN variable



Active Server Pages (ASP) Support


Provides an implementation of ASP for server-side scripting that uses the "<%" and "%>" ASP page delimiters.

This implementation does not support the Session or Application objects, does not send the Session-ID cookie, and requires that you add code to maintain states between requests and sessions. You can do this by using a scripting language.

Requires the Web Server (HTTPD) catalog item.

Requires a scripting language. For more information, see JScript Catalog Items and Sysgen Variables or VBScript Catalog Items and Sysgen Variables. Requires support for cookies in the browser.

Web Server (HTTPD)


Supports web applications.


Internet Server Application Programming Interface (ISAPI)


Provides the Webadmin utility for you to configure the web server by using Internet Server Application Programming Interface (ISAPI) extensions.

Requires the Web Server (HTTPD) catalog item.

See Also


Web Server OS Design Development

Other Resources

Web Server Reference