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LVCOLUMN (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


This structure contains information about a column in report view. This structure is used both for creating columns and manipulating them using messages. The structure was extended to support new mask values. Two new members, iOrder and iImage, were added to support the new mask values.


typedef struct _LVCOLUMN { 
  UINT mask; 
  int fmt; 
  int cx; 
  LPTSTR pszText; 
  int cchTextMax; 
  int iSubItem; 
  int iOrder;
  int iImage;


  • mask
    Specifies which members contain valid information. It can be zero, or one or more of the following values.

    Value Description


    The fmt member is valid.


    The iImage member is valid.


    The iOrder member is valid.


    The iSubItem member is valid.


    The pszText member is valid.


    The cx member is valid.

  • fmt
    Alignment of the column heading and the subitem text in the column. It is one of the following values.

    Value Description


    The bitmap appears to the right of text. This does not affect an image from an image list assigned to the header item.


    Text is centered.


    The item displays an image from an image list.


    Text is left-aligned.


    Text is right-aligned.

    The leftmost column in a list-view control must be left aligned.

  • cx
    Width of the column, in pixels.
  • pszText
    If column information is being set, this member is the pointer to a null-terminated string that contains the column heading text. If the structure is receiving information about a column, this member specifies the address of the buffer that receives the column heading text.
  • cchTextMax
    Size of the buffer pointed to by the pszText member. If the structure is not receiving information about a column, this member is ignored.
  • iSubItem
    Index of subitem associated with the column.
  • iOrder
    Zero-based column offset. Column offset is with left-to-right order. For example, zero indicates the leftmost column.
  • iImage
    Zero-based index of an image within the image list. The specified image will appear within the column.


This structure supersedes the LV_COLUMN structure.

This structure is used with the LVM_GETCOLUMN, LVM_SETCOLUMN, LVM_INSERTCOLUMN, and LVM_DELETECOLUMN messages.


Header commctrl.h
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 2.0 and later

See Also


List-View Controls Structures