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RasDevConfigDialogEdit (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


This function is used to display the configuration dialog for the device-specific settings of a RAS device.


DWORD RasDevConfigDialogEdit(
  LPCWSTR szDeviceName,
  LPCWSTR szDeviceType,
  HWND hWndOwner,
  LPVOID lpDeviceConfigIn,
  DWORD dwSize,
  LPVARSTRING lpDeviceConfigOut


  • szDeviceType
    Null-terminated string that indicates the RAS device type referenced by szDeviceName. This member is one of the following string constants.

    String constant Description


    A modem accessed through a COM port.


    A direct serial connection.


    A connection through a virtual private network (VPN).

  • szDeviceName
    [in] Null-terminated string that contains the name of a TAPI device to use with this phone-book entry, for example XYZ Corp 28800 External. To enumerate the number of available RAS-capable devices, use the lineInitialize function.
  • hWndOwner
    [in] Handle to a window to which the dialog box is attached. Can be NULL to indicate that any window created during the function should have no owner window.
  • lpDeviceConfigIn
    [in] Pointer to a buffer that contains device-specific configuration information. This is opaque TAPI device configuration information. For more information about TAPI device configuration, see the lineGetDevConfig function in the Win32 Telephony (TAPI) Programmer's Reference.
  • dwSize
    [in] The size (in bytes) of the lpDeviceConfigIn buffer, which is a device specific structure opaque to the caller.
  • lpDeviceConfigOut
    [in, out] Pointer to a buffer that is used to return the modified device-specific configuration information.

    • Before calling RasDevConfigDialogEdit, the structure's dwTotalSize field must be set to the total size of the buffer. The buffer's total size includes the size of the VARSTRING structure, and the size of the space that follows the structure. The space that follows the structure is used to return the device-specific configuration information.
    • If STATUS_SUCCESS is returned, but dwNeededSize is greater than dwTotalSize, then the provided buffer was not large enough to return the device-configuration information. Attempt the call again using a new buffer, with dwTotalSize set to at least dwNeededSize bytes.
    • If STATUS_SUCCESS is returned and dwNeededSize is not greater than dwTotalSize, then the returned device-specific configuration information is lpDeviceConfigOut->dwStringSize bytes at (PBYTE)lpDeviceConfigOut + lpDeviceConfigOut->dwStringOffset.

Return Value

Returns 0 if successful, otherwise, a non-zero error code is returned.


Header ras.h
Library coredll.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later

See Also


RAS Functions