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DVD-Video API Objects (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The DVD-Video API derives its functionality from three objects, DVDData, DVDNavigationManager, and DVDStreamControlInfo. The DVDData and DVDNavigationManager objects provide high-level access to, and control of, the DVD-Video data. The DVDStreamControlInfo object facilitates low-level interaction with the output stream.


This object provides access to the DVD-Video media and the organizational structure of the DVD-Video content. It is designed to work with DVD-Video data in a way that is independent of the actual physical storage medium. The DVDData object accesses DVD-Video data through a file path to a DVD ROM source regardless of whether that source is an optical disc or some magnetic medium.

An application gains access to the DVD-Video media through the IDVDROM interface to the DVDData object. The IDVDROM interface only has two methods that are commonly used by DVD player applications, IDVDROM::Bind and IDVDROM::Unbind. These methods establish and cancel the connection between the application and the DVD-Video media.

Other interfaces to a DVDData object such as IDVDVideoVolume and IDVDTitleSet allow an application to access the major data tables within a DVD-Video recording, such as the video manager information management table (VMGI_MAT) and the video title set information management table (VTSI_MAT).


Whereas the DVDData object provides access to what is in some sense the physical arrangement of data within a DVD-Video recording, the DVDNavigationManager object accesses the logical relationships between authored data elements within the DVD-Video recording.

Through its IDVDUserOperation interface and IDVDNavDataStatusSink callback interface, a DVDNavigationManager object allows DVD player applications to implement common playback controls. These controls include both navigation through the DVD-Video content and control over playback speeds.

The DVData and DVDNavigationManager objects are completely independent from one another. As a result, you could create a new navigation manager to consume the DVData object interfaces, or you could create a completely new data source for the DVDNavigationManager to use. Neither object would be affected by this because they do not have any internal dependencies on one another.


This object controls access to navigation packs from the current output stream. It also provides applications with control information. Its capabilities are exposed through the IDVDStreamControlInfo interface.

See Also


Creating a Simple DVD Player