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DNS_TKEY_DATA (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


This structure represents a DNS TKEY resource record, used to establish and delete shared-secret keys between a DNS resolver and server.


typedef struct {
  LPTSTR pNameAlgorithm;
  PBYTE pAlgorithmPacket;
  PBYTE pKey;
  PBYTE pOtherData;
  DWORD dwCreateTime;
  DWORD dwExpireTime;
  WORD wMode;
  WORD wError;
  WORD wKeyLength;
  WORD wOtherLength;
  UCHAR cAlgNameLength;
  BOOL bPacketPointers;


  • pNameAlgorithm
    [in] Pointer to a string representing the name of the algorithm used with the key.
  • pAlgorithmPacket
    [in] Pointer to the packet containing the algorithm.
  • pKey
    [in] Pointer to the key.
  • pOtherData
    [in] Reserved for future use.
  • dwCreateTime
    [in] Date and time at which the key was created, expressed in seconds since the beginning of January 1, 1970, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), excluding leap seconds.
  • dwExpireTime
    [in] Expiration date of the key, expressed in seconds since the beginning of January 1, 1970, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), excluding leap seconds.
  • wMode
    [in] Scheme used for key agreement or the purpose of the TKEY DNS Message.
  • wError
    [in] Error, expressed in expanded RCODE that covers TSIG processing and TKEY processing. See Remarks.
  • wKeyLength
    [in] Length, in bytes, of the pSignature member.
  • wOtherLength
    [in] Length, in bytes, of the pOtherData member.
  • cAlgNameLength
    [in] Length, in bytes, of the pNameAlgorithm member.
  • bPacketPointers
    [in] Reserved for future use.


This structure is used in conjunction with the DNS_RECORD structure to programmatically manage DNS entries.

See RFC 2930 for more information about the TKEY resource record.


Header windns.h
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 5.0 and later

See Also


DNS Structures