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ShowInternalMessage (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


This method is called by MSHTML to show messages that have an associated resource identifier. These messages are warnings and errors, and are hard-coded. For example, use this method to display a warning message that is displayed for a page with a runway script.

HRESULT ShowInternalMessage(
  HWND hwnd,
  LPOLESTR lpstrText,
  LPOLESTR lpstrCaption,
  DWORD dwType,
  DWORD dwMessageId,
  LPOLESTR lpstrHelpFile,
  DWORD dwHelpContext,
  LRESULT * plResult


  • hwnd
    [in] Specifies the handle to the host window.
  • lpstrTextl
    [in] Pointer to the string that contains the text for the message box.
  • pstrCaption
    [in] Pointer to the string that contains the caption of the message box.
  • dwType
    [in] Specifies the MB_xxx constant that identifies the type of the message box. For more information about the flag type, see the values described in the uType parameter of the MessageBox function at this Microsoft Web site.
  • dwMessageId
    [in] Specifies the resource identifier that is used to generate the message.
  • lpstrHelpFiled
    [in] Pointer to the string that contains the path and the name of the help file.
  • dwHelpContext
    [in] Specifies the help context identifier.
  • plResult
    [out] Receives an LRESULT value that can be used to determine which button was clicked on the message box.

Return Values

The following table shows the possible return values.

Value Description


The host displayed its user interface (UI). MSHTML does not display its message box.


Host did not display its UI. MSHTML displays its message box.


MSHTML uses the native message box.

If ShowInternalMessage returns this value, MSHTML attempts to display the message by using the IDocHostShowUI::ShowMessage method.


Use ShowInternalMessage for messages with resource identifiers such as security warnings. If you want to show messages that do not have a resource identifier, then use the IDocHostShowUI::ShowMessage method.


Header mshtmhst.h, mshtmhst.idl
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 5.0 and later

See Also


Replacement of the MSHTML User Interface