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HWXGUIDE (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


This structure specifies the location of the individual character input boxes on the screen.


typedef struct tagHWXGUIDE {
  UINT cHorzBox;
  UINT cVertBox;
  INT xOrigin;
  INT yOrigin;
  UINT cxBox;
  UINT cyBox;
  UINT cxOffset;
  UINT cyOffset;
  UINT cxWriting;
  UINT cyWriting;
  UINT cyMid;
  UINT cyBase;
  UINT nDir; 


  • cHorzBox
    Number of input boxes positioned horizontally.
  • cVertBox
    Number of input boxes positioned vertically.
  • xOrigin
    X-coordinate for the upper-left corner of the input area.
  • yOrigin
    Y-coordinate for the upper-left corner of the input area.
  • cxBox
    Width of a single box.
  • cyBox
    Height of a single box.
  • cxOffset
    X-coordinate offset within a box to the upper-left of the writing area.
  • cyOffset
    Y-coordinate offset within a box to the upper-left of the writing area.
  • cxWriting
    Width of the writing area.
  • cyWriting
    Height of the writing area.
  • cyMid
    This value is not required for glyphs. Midline information measured from the top of the writing area. For English or any language based on Latin letters, it must be set to the appropriate value. For the East Asian languages — Japanese, Chinese, and Korean — this member is not used and must be set to zero.
  • cyBase
    This value is not required for glyphs. Baseline value measured from the top of the writing area. For English or any language based on Latin letters, it must be set to the appropriate value. For the East Asian languages — Japanese, Chinese, and Korean — this member is not used and must be set to zero.
  • nDir
    Writing direction. The following values are defined, but each is not necessarily supported:


    If an application specifies an unsupported writing direction in a call to the HwxSetGuide function, an error is returned.


This structure is passed in to HwxSetGuide, and it specifies where the boxes are located on the screen. All positions are in scaled screen coordinates. You should do the scaling so that cyWriting is about 1,000 units. To avoid speed and rounding problems, use an integral multiple of your actual size.

The writing area must be centered. To do this, set cxBox, cxOffset, and cxWriting such that cxBox = = 2 * cxOffset + cxWriting.


Header recog.h
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later

See Also



Other Resources

Handwriting Recognizer Engine (HWX) Structures