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BitmapData (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


This class is used to create objects that contain information to describe pixel data for a rectangular area of bitmap images.


class BitmapData {
    UINT        Width;
    UINT        Height;
    INT         Stride;
    PixelFormat PixelFormat;
    VOID*       Scan0;
    UINT_PTR    Reserved;

Data Members

  • Width
    A UINT value specifying the width, in pixels, of the bitmap image area.
  • Height
    A UINT value specifying the height, in pixels, of the bitmap image area.
  • Stride
    An INT value specifying the number of bytes from one scan line of the bitmap area to the next.

    This value is negative for bottom-up bitmap images.

  • PixelFormat
    A PixelFormat value specifying the image's pixel format.
  • Scan0
    A VOID pointer to the beginning of the first scan line.


Header imaging.h
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 5.0 and later

See Also


Imaging Classes