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Japanese IME 3.1 Registry Settings (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The registry stores information necessary to configure Japanese IME 3.1.

The following list shows the settings that you can use the registry to configure for Japanese IME 3.1:

  • General IME settings
  • Dictionary settings
  • Directory settings
  • IME UI settings
  • Key and Color settings
  • Romaji settings

General IME Settings

The following table shows the registry values for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\IMEJP\3.1\MSIME registry key.

Value : type Description

AtShiftModeOut : REG_DWORD

Default is not set in the registry. This value can be either zero (0) or 1. If this registry value is not set, the default is 1.

This value corresponds to the Resume Japanese input after multiple Alphanumeric capitals option under the Mixed Japanese/English tab of the IME property dialog box. The IME automatically changes the input mode to an alphanumeric mode when a user enters two or more letters while holding down the SHIFT key. If this option is enabled, the input mode automatically reverts to the previous mode when the SHIFT key is released. If this option is disabled, the input mode remains alphanumeric.

AutoAlphaFlag : REG_DWORD

Default is not set in the registry. If this registry value is not set, the default is 855638017 (0x33000001). Specifies whether the IME automatically switches the input mode when specific keywords are entered.

This value corresponds to the Automatically convert target string to Alphanumeric option under the Mixed Japanese Input tab of the IME property dialog box.

To implement a specific set of options, you need to add the values of all the selected options together. The values for each option are specified in the following list.

The final value of the AutoAlphaFlag subkey is the sum of all the selected options. For example, the default setting (0x33000001) implies that the following options have been selected and their values have been added together:

  • The automatic switch option is enabled.
  • When "\\" is typed, change to direct input mode.
  • When "c:\" is typed, change to direct input mode.
  • Even if "//" is typed, do not switch the input mode.

The following registry values specify whether the IME automatically switches the input mode on specific keywords:

  • 0x00000000 = Automatic switch is disabled.
  • 0x00000001 = Automatic switch is enabled. This is the default setting.

This registry key also specifies how the IME switches the input mode for three specific keywords. Other keywords can be specified in the AutoAlphaStr value.

The following registry values specify how the IME switches the input mode when the "\\" characters are typed:

  • 0x00000000 = Do not switch the mode.
  • 0x10000000 = Change to the half-width alphanumeric mode.
  • 0x20000000 = Change to the half-width alphanumeric mode during the keyword entry, and revert to the previous mode after the keyword entry.
  • 0x30000000 = Change to direct input mode (turn off the IME.) This is the default setting.

The following registry values specify how the IME switches the input mode when the "c:\" character string is typed:

  • 0x00000000 = Do not switch the mode.
  • 0x01000000 = Change to the half-width alphanumeric mode.
  • 0x02000000 = Change to the half-width alphanumeric mode during the keyword entry, and revert to the previous mode after the keyword entry.
  • 0x03000000 = Change to direct input mode (turn off the IME.) This is the default setting.

The following registry values specify how the IME switches the input mode when the "//" characters are typed:

  • 0x00000000 = Do not switch the mode. This is the default setting.
  • 0x00100000 = Change to the half-width alphanumeric mode.
  • 0x00200000 = Change to the half-width alphanumeric mode during the keyword entry, and revert to the previous mode after the keyword entry.
  • 0x00300000 = Change to direct input mode (turn off the IME).

AutoAlphaStr : REG_MULTI_SZ

Default is not set in the registry. If this registry value is not set, the default value is the following multi-line string:









Specifies keywords and how the IME switches the input mode when the keywords are entered. Each line consists of the value specifying the mode switch behavior and a keyword. A comma separates the value and the keyword.

This value corresponds to the Target string list dropdown list under the Automatically convert target string to Alphanumeric option under the Mixed Japanese/English tab of the IME property dialog box.

The following list shows possible values for configuring the mode switch behavior:

  • 0 = Do not switch the mode.
  • 1 = Change to the half-width alphanumeric mode.
  • 2 = Change to the half-width alphanumeric mode during the keyword entry, and revert to the previous mode after the keyword entry.
  • 3 = Change to direct input mode (turn off the IME.)

AutoConversion : REG_DWORD

Default is not set in the registry. This value can be either zero (0) or 1. If this registry value is not set, the default value is 0.

Specifies the behavior of the auto conversion feature. If this value is set to 1, the IME converts strings automatically when the length of the composition string is long enough for conversion. If this value is set to zero (0), the IME does not convert strings automatically.

The IME will stop accepting a key input if the length of the composition string exceeds the limit.

AutoCorrect : REG_DWORD

Default is not set in the registry. If this registry value is not set, the default value is 196608 (0x00030000).

The following list shows possible values for configuring the AutoCorrect options.


This value corresponds to the Input AutoCorrect options: dropdown list under the AutoCorrect tab of the IME property dialog box.

AutomaticUserDictionaryCleanup : REG_DWORD

Default is not set in the registry. This value can be either zero (0) or 1. If this registry value is not set, the default value is 0.

Specifies whether the IME cleans up words that are automatically registered by the IME from the user dictionary when the user dictionary is full.

If this value is set to 1, the IME deletes words from the user dictionary when the user dictionary is full. If this value is set to zero (0), the IME does not delete words from the user dictionary and will just stop registering further words.

deffont_alwaysuse : REG_DWORD

Default is not set in the registry. This value can be either zero (0) or 1. If this value is not set, the default value is 0.

Specifies whether the IME accepts font information from applications or uses the default font for undetermined strings. If set to 0, the IME displays undetermined strings in an application-defined font. If set to 1, the IME uses the default font. You may need to select this option if you use characters from more than one language in the same text.

This value corresponds to the Use fixed font face for undetermined string option in the General tab of the IME property dialog box.

CharInKana : REG_DWORD

Default is not set in the registry. This value can be either zero (0) or 1. If this value is not set, the default value is 0.

Specifies whether the IME accepts numeric keys on the main keyboard to choose a candidate from the candidate list. If set to 0, selecting a numeric key on the main keyboard will choose a candidate. If it is set to 1, selecting a numeric key on the main keyboard will enter a corresponding character. Entries from the numeric pad, however, always select candidates, regardless of this setting.

This value corresponds to the Select candidate by number keys on main keyboard option in the Conversion tab of the IME property dialog box.

colstyle : REG_SZ

Default is not set in the registry. This value can be "MS-IME2000", "ATOK" or "OEM". If this value is not set, the default value is "MS-IME2000".

This value corresponds to the Color template option in the General tab of the IME property dialog box. Specify the "OEM" keyword to use settings under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\IMEJP\3.1\StyleList\OEM\Color registry key as default.

keystyle : REG_SZ

Default is not set in the registry. This value can be "MS-IME2000", "ATOK" or "OEM". If this value is not set, the default value is "MS-IME2000".

This value corresponds to the Key template option in the General tab of the IME property dialog box. Specify the "OEM" keyword to use the settings under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\IMEJP\3.1\StyleList\OEM registry key as default.

MaximumCompositionString : REG_DWORD

Default is not set in the registry. This value can be any integer value between 1 and 100. If this registry value is not set, the default value is 60. If this registry value is less than 1, it is treated as 1. If this registry value is greater than 100, it is treated as 100.

Specifies the maximum length of the composition string. The IME discards character inputs when the length of the composition string exceeds the limit. This setting takes effect only when auto conversion is disabled.

NonKanjiCandidate : REG_DWORD

Default is not set in the registry. If this value is not set, the default value is 65539 (0x00010003).

Specifies what types of candidates are included in the candidate list in addition to the Kanji candidates.

This value corresponds to the Include in candidate list option under the Conversion tab of the IME property dialog box.

The value is a sum of the following option values:

  • 0x00000001 = Hiragana candidate (default: on).
  • 0x00000002 = Full-width Katakana candidate (default: on).
  • 0x00000004 = Half-width Katakana candidate (default: off).
  • 0x00000008 = Romaji candidate (default: off).
  • 0x00010000 = Base value. Always add this value.

option1 : REG_DWORD

Default is not set in the registry. If this value is not set, the default value is 1376896 (0x00150280).

Allows you to set a variety of options on the IME property dialog box. The value is a sum of the following option values:

Base Value

  • 0x00100080 = Base Value
    Do not change this and always add this value.


This value corresponds to the Punctuation option under the General tab.

Choose one of the following values:


Brackets and Slash

This value corresponds to the Brackets and slash option under the General tab.

Choose one of the following values:


Convert at punctuation marks option under the Conversion tab – the IME performs a conversion when a user enters a punctuation mark. By default, this option is disabled and a user needs to select the Convert key to perform a conversion.

The following values are valid:

  • 0x00000000 = Disable (default)
  • 0x04000000 = Enable

Determine when moving focus to another phrase option under the Conversion tab – the IME completes the current target clause when a user changes the target clause to another. The following values are valid:

  • 0x00000000 = Disable (default)
  • 0x00800000 = Enable

Use the space key for inserting space in alphanumeric input mode option under the Mixed Japanese/English tab – By default, users have to select the space key as a conversion trigger. If this option is enabled, in the alphanumeric input mode, selecting the space key will enter a space. If this option is disabled, selecting the space key will convert an undetermined string. This option is enabled by default since alphanumeric characters usually do not need to be converted.

The following values are valid:

  • 0x00000000 = Disable
  • 0x00000200 = Enable (default)

Allow conversion in Alphanumeric input mode option in the Mixed Japanese/English tab. If this option is enabled, the IME converts an undetermined string that consists of alphanumeric characters. By default, the IME converts a composition string that consists of Kana characters, not alphanumeric characters.

The following values are valid:

  • 0x00000000 = Disable (default)
  • 0x00000400 = Enable

You can choose only one option out of each of the previously discussed option groups. To calculate the final registry value for this registry key, after choosing a value for each option, you need to add the chosen values.

The default value for this registry key (0x00150280) is the sum of the following values:

  • 0x00100080 (Base Value)
  • 0x00010000 (Default value for the Punctuation option.)
  • 0x00040000 (Default value for the Bracket and slash option)
  • 0x00000000 (Default value for the Convert at punctuation marks option.)
  • 0x00000000 (Default value for Determine when moving focus to another phrase option.)
  • 0x00000200 (Default value for the Use the space key for inserting space in alphanumeric input mode option.)
  • 0x00000000 (Default value for the Allow conversion in Alphanumeric input mode option.)

option3 : REG_DWORD

Default is not set in the registry. If this value is not set, the default value is 1 (0x00000001).

This value corresponds to the following options on the IME property dialog box:

  • Input method option under the General tab.
  • Default input mode option under the General tab.
  • Conversion mode option under the Conversion tab.
  • Numeric pad option under the General tab.

The value is a sum of the following option values:

Input Method (choose one):

  • 0x00000000 = Kana input method
  • 0x00000001 = Romaji input method (default)

Input Mode (choose one):

  • 0x00000000 = Full-width Hiragana input mode (default)
  • 0x00000002 = Full-width Katakana input mode
  • 0x00000004 = Full-width alphanumeric input mode
  • 0x0000000A = Half-width Katakana input mode
  • 0x0000000C = Half-width alphanumeric input mode

Conversion Mode (choose one):

  • 0x00000000 = General conversion mode (default)
  • 0x00003000 = No conversion mode

Character width of inputs from numeric pad (choose one):

  • 0x00000000 = Always half width (default)
  • 0x00000200 = Always full width
  • 0x00000400 = Follow the current input mode

romastyle : REG_SZ

Default is not set in the registry. If this registry value is not set, the default value is "MS-IME". This value can be "MS-IME" or "OEM".

This value corresponds to the Romaji template option in the General tab of the IME property dialog box. Specify the "OEM" keyword to use the settings under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\IMEJP\3.1\RomaDef\OEM registry key as default.

shiftmode : REG_DWORD

Default is not set in the registry. This value can be either zero (0) or 1. If this value is not set, the default value is 0.

This value corresponds to the Use the shift key for switching to half-width Alphanumeric input mode (During Romaji input) option under the Mixed Japanese/English tab on the IME property dialog box.

If this value is set to 1, the IME switches the input mode to the half-width alphanumeric mode when the shift key is selected. If set to zero (0), the IME will not switch the input mode.

ShowCharComment : REG_DWORD

Default is not set in the registry. This value can be either zero (0) or 1. If this value is not set, the default value is 0.

This value corresponds to the View character comments option under the Conversion tab on the IME property dialog box. This value can be either zero (0) or 1. Specifies whether the IME shows character comments in the candidate list.

Trigger : REG_DWORD

Default is not set in the registry. If this value is not set, the default value is 14 (0x0000000e).

This value corresponds to the checkboxes for the Convert at punctuation marks options under the Conversion tab on the IME property dialog box.

Specifies the symbol characters that will be used as triggers for the Convert at punctuation marks functionality. The following values are valid:


UseCandidateShortcuts : REG_DWORD

Default is not set in the registry. This value can be either zero (0) or 1. If this registry value is not set, the default value is 1. Specifies whether the IME accepts numeric keys to choose a candidate from the candidate list. If it is set to 1, selecting a numeric key will choose a candidate. If it is set to zero (0), selecting a numeric key will enter a corresponding character. This setting affects to both inputs from the numeric pad and main keyboard.

IME UI Settings

The following table shows the registry values for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\IMEJP\3.1\Window registry key.

Value : type Description

Buttons : REG_BINARY

Default is not set in the registry. If this registry value is not set, the default value is:

01 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 15 00 00 00 11 00 00 00 12 00 00 00

This value specifies an array of little-endian DWORD values, each containing an identifier of the IME toolbar button.

This value corresponds to the Buttons and button order list in the Toolbar tab in the IME property dialog box.

The buttons specified in this array will be displayed in the IME toolbar in the specified order. The following list shows the available buttons and their IDs.

  • 0x00000001: Input Mode
  • 0x00000002: Conversion Mode
  • 0x00000004: Add Words
  • 0x00000005: Properties
  • 0x00000011: CAPS Key Lock
  • 0x00000012: KANA Key Lock
  • 0x00000014: Dictionary Tool
  • 0x00000015: Tools
You must include CAPS Key Lock and KANA Key Lock together. These buttons cannot be separated.

convWnd : REG_BINARY

Default is not set in the registry. This value specifies an array of four little-endian DWORD values, containing the following values.

  • The first DWORD value specifies the initial horizontal position of the default composition window. This parameter is the initial x-coordinate of the window's upper-left corner, in screen coordinates.
  • The second DWORD value specifies the initial vertical position of the default composition window. This parameter is the initial y-coordinate of the window's upper-left corner, in screen coordinates.
  • The third DWORD value specifies the width, in screen coordinates, of the default composition window.
  • The fourth DWORD value is reserved for future use. Set to zero (0).

The height of the default composition window is calculated from the contents of the default composition window.

guideWnd : REG_BINARY

Default is not set in the registry. This value specifies an array of four little-endian DWORD values, containing the following values.

  • The first DWORD value specifies the initial horizontal position of the guideline window. This parameter is the initial x-coordinate of the window's upper-left corner, in screen coordinates.
  • The second DWORD value specifies the initial vertical position of the guideline window. This parameter is the initial y-coordinate of the window's upper-left corner, in screen coordinates.
  • The third DWORD value is reserved for future use. Set to zero (0).
  • The fourth DWORD value is reserved for future use. Set to zero (0).

The width and height of the guideline window is calculated from the contents of the guideline window.

HideStatus : REG_DWORD

Default is not set in the registry. This value can be either zero (0) or 1. If this registry value is not set, the default value is 0.

It corresponds to the Hide in direct input mode option in the Toolbar tab in the IME property dialog box.

This value specifies whether the IME displays the IME toolbar while the IME is turned off. If set to 1, the IME will not display the toolbar while the IME is turned off. If set to 0, the IME will always display the toolbar.

IsMinimized : REG_DWORD

Default is not set in the registry. This value can be either zero (0) or 1. If this registry value is not set, the default value is 0.

This value corresponds to the Display in taskbar option in the Toolbar tab in the IME property dialog box.

This value specifies whether the IME displays the IME toolbar or the system tray icon. If this value is set to 1, the IME displays the system tray icon instead of the toolbar. If this value is set to 0, the IME displays the toolbar.

The system tray icon is displayed by the System Tray Icon Manager part of IME 3.1. If you do not include the System Tray Icon Manager and set this value to 1, neither the IME toolbar nor the system tray icon will be displayed.

statusWnd : REG_BINARY

Default is not set in the registry. This value specifies an array of four little-endian DWORD values, containing the following values.

  • The first DWORD value specifies the initial horizontal position of the status window, for example, the IME toolbar. This parameter is the initial x-coordinate of the window's upper-left corner, in screen coordinates.
  • The second DWORD value specifies the initial vertical position of the status window, for example the IME toolbar. This parameter is the initial y-coordinate of the window's upper-left corner, in screen coordinates.
  • The third DWORD value is reserved for future use. Set to zero (0).
  • The fourth DWORD value is reserved for future use. Set to zero (0).

The width and height of the status window is calculated from the contents of the status window.

Dictionary Settings

The following table shows the registry values for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\IMEJP\3.1\Dictionaries registry key.

Value : type Description


Defaults to "\windows\imjp31u.dic,1". This value specifies the path of the user dictionary file, where the IME stores user-defined words, as well as a flag that determines whether the conversion engine searches for words in the dictionary. This flag must be set to 1, because it is used and reserved for future use. The path and the flag are comma-separated.


Defaults to "imjp31s.dic,1". This value specifies the name of the system dictionary file, and a flag that determines whether the conversion engine searches for words in the dictionary. If the flag is set to zero (0), the conversion engine will not look up words in the dictionary. The path and the flag are comma-separated.


No default is set in the registry. These values specify the name of the additional system dictionary file, and a flag that determines whether the conversion engine searches for words in the dictionary.

Cache : REG_SZ

This value specifies the path of the cache file, where the IME the stores self-tuning data.

No default is set in the registry. If this registry value is not set, the default value is "\windows\imjp31lm.dat".

CacheMaxPages : REG_DWORD

This value specifies the maximum size, in pages, that a cache file can assume, before it is rolled over. One page is 64 KB.

No default is set in the registry. If this registry value is not set, the default value is 3.

LearningLevel : REG_DWORD

Default is not set in the registry. This value can be either zero (0) or 60. If this registry value is not set, the default is 60. If this value is set to 60 or is not set, the IME performs automation tuning of conversion results. If this value is set to zero (0), tuning of conversion results will be disabled.

This value corresponds to the Auto-tuning option under the Dictionary tab of the IME property dialog box.

UserDictionaryMaxPages : REG_DWORD

No default is set in the registry. Specifies the maximum size, in pages, of a user dictionary file. One page is 32 KB.

If this registry value is not set, no size limit will be applied.

Directory Settings

The following table shows the registry values for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\IMEJP\3.1\directories registry key.

Value : type Description

DictionaryPath : REG_SZ

Defaults to "\\windows". This value specifies the directory where the IME loads the system dictionary files.

ModulePath : REG_SZ

Defaults to "\\windows". This value specifies the directory where the IME launches the property dialog box and the dictionary tool.

Romaji Settings

The following table shows the registry values for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\IMEJP\3.1\RomaDef\OEM registry key.

Value : type Description

DisplayName : REG_SZ

No default is set in the registry. This value specifies the display name of the OEM-defined Romaji settings template in the Romaji Settings tab of the Advanced Settings dialog box.

table : REG_BINARY

No default is set in the registry. This value specifies the OEM-defined Romaji settings template. To customize this value, complete the following steps:

  1. Customize the default Romaji template by using the Romaji Settings tab of the Advanced Settings dialog box on your target device.
  2. Export the table registry value from the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\IMEJP\3.1\RomaDef\Custom registry key.
  3. Copy the table value to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\IMEJP\3.1\RomaDef\OEM key in your .reg file.

Key and Color Settings

The following table shows the registry values for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\IMEJP\3.1\StyleList\OEM registry key.

Value : type Description

DisplayName : REG_SZ

No default is set in the registry. This value specifies the display name of the OEM-defined key and the color settings template in the Key and Color Settings tab of the Advanced Settings dialog box.









No default is set in the registry. These values specify the OEM-defined key settings template. This also applies to the Space option in the General tab in the IME property dialog box. To customize this value, complete the following steps:

  1. Customize the default key template by using the Key Settings tab of the Advanced Settings dialog box on your target device.
  2. Export the key, S1key, S3key, S4key, S5key, S6key, S7key, S8key registry values from the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\IMEJP\3.1\StyleList\Custom registry key.
  3. Add these values to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\IMEJP\3.1\StyleList\OEM in your .reg file.

The following table shows the registry value for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\IMEJP\3.1\StyleList\OEM\Color registry key.

Value : type Description


No default is set in the registry. This value specifies whether to use the OEM-defined color settings template. If you use the customized color settings template, specify the following value for this registry key:


The following table shows the registry values for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\IMEJP\Colors\{7B1515F0-EFC6-4815-BB98-F043B86B966C} registry key.

Value : type Description

DisplayAttribute : REG_BINARY

No default is set in the registry. This value specifies the color for characters in converted phases in the OEM-defined color settings template. To customize this value, complete the following steps:

  1. Customize the color for characters in converted phases by using the Color Settings tab of the Advanced Settings dialog box on a target device.
  2. Export the DisplayAttribute registry values from the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\IMEJP\Colors\{2BC25268-91DE-4ED6-BEA5-655C5E445CDB} registry key.
  3. Add these values to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\IMEJP\Colors\{7B1515F0-EFC6-4815-BB98-F043B86B966C} registry key in your .reg file.

The following table shows the registry values for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\IMEJP\Colors\{51D99CAC-4A9E-481B-9F50-7F3BC3C8EC2A} registry key.

Value : type Description

DisplayAttribute : REG_BINARY

No default is set in the registry. This value specifies the color for characters in a target phrase in the OEM-defined color settings template. To customize this value, complete the following steps:

  1. Customize the color for characters in a target phrase by using the Color Settings tab of the Advanced Settings dialog box on a target device.
  2. Export the DisplayAttribute registry values from the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\IMEJP\Colors\{6E623C0B-0C68-46ED-8647-7833FA9B3635} registry key.
  3. Add these values to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\IMEJP\Colors\{51D99CAC-4A9E-481B-9F50-7F3BC3C8EC2A} registry key in your .reg file.

The following table shows the registry values for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\IMEJP\Colors\{59694C43-1594-4D5F-97AE-89CBAA0D4CAF} registry key.

Value : type Description

DisplayAttribute : REG_BINARY

Default is not set in the registry. This value specifies the color of "characters in a phrase being shortened or widened" in the OEM-defined color settings template. To customize this value, complete the following steps:

  1. Customize the color for "characters in a phrase being shortened or widened" phrase by using the Color Settings tab of the Advanced Settings dialog box on a target device.
  2. Export the DisplayAttribute registry values from the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\IMEJP\Colors\{9F64530D-D812-4248-BAE1-E16343D449A3} registry key.
  3. Add these values to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\IMEJP\Colors\{59694C43-1594-4D5F-97AE-89CBAA0D4CAF} registry key in your .reg file.

The following table shows the registry values for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\IMEJP\Colors\{B1330FC8-F6F8-4C09-B6EC-EFFB6356EA25} registry key.

Value : type Description

DisplayAttribute : REG_BINARY

Default is not set in the registry. This value specifies the color of "characters being entered" in the OEM-defined color settings template. To customize this value, complete the following steps:

1.   Customize the color of "characters being entered" by using the Color Settings tab of the Advanced Settings dialog box on a target device.

2.   Export the DisplayAttribute registry values from the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\IMEJP\Colors\{A7C04FDA-FB27-467A-AA94-EF7FE9E5B3C6} registry key.

3. Add these values to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\IMEJP\Colors\{B1330FC8-F6F8-4C09-B6EC-EFFB6356EA25} registry key in your .reg file.

The following table shows the registry values for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\IMEJP\Colors\{0A750C94-C744-446D-B024-6FCD37D37E46} registry key.

Value : type Description

DisplayAttribute : REG_BINARY

Default is not set in the registry. This value specifies the color of "characters being edited in a target phrase" in the OEM-defined color settings template. To customize this value, complete the following steps:

  1. Customize the color of "characters being edited in a target phrase" by using the Color Settings tab of the Advanced Settings dialog box on a target device.
  2. Export the DisplayAttribute registry values from the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\IMEJP\Colors\{CC843EF8-0BC2-42FB-8FA3-41F6E13F122B} registry key.
  3. Add these values to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\IMEJP\Colors\{0A750C94-C744-446D-B024-6FCD37D37E46} registry key in your .reg file.

See Also

Other Resources

Japanese IME 3.1