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D3DMVERTEXBUFFER_DESC (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


This structure contains data to describe a vertex buffer.


typedef struct _D3DMVERTEXBUFFER_DESC {
  D3DMFORMAT       Format;
  ULONG            Usage;
  D3DMPOOL         Pool;
  UINT             Size;
  ULONG            FVF;


  • Format
    A D3DMFORMAT enumeration value describing the format of the data in the vertex buffer. This value is always D3DMFMT_VERTEXDATA.
  • Type
    A D3DMRESOURCETYPE enumeration value identifying the type of resource; in this case, D3DMRTYPE_VERTEXBUFFER, a vertex buffer.
  • Usage
    A ULONG value representing a bit mask defining how the application should use this vertex buffer. Set this to one of the D3DMUSAGE Values. These bits can be hints to the driver to allow it to optimize resource allocations best suited to the vertex buffer's use.
  • Pool
    A D3DMPOOL value identifying the memory pool that the vertex buffer is allocated from.
  • Size
    A UINT value representing the number of bytes allocated for the vertex buffer.
  • FVF
    A ULONG value representing a bit mask that contains the flexible vertex format (FVF) flags defining the vertex format for the vertex buffer, see Vertex Data Description.


Header d3dmtypes.h
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 5.0 and later

See Also


Direct3D Mobile Structures