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Multiple Screens OS Design Development (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The Multiple Screens Catalog item for Windows Embedded CE allows multiple screens to be connected to a device. You can use these multiple screens as one large combined screen to create more screen space for applications. This extra space is useful whenever you need to maximize your on-screen workspace and is especially useful in publishing, Web development, or video editing.

When you connect multiple screens to a device, objects can travel seamlessly between screens. In other words, you can drag a window or shortcut from one screen to another and you can increase the size of a window so that the window covers more than one screen.

OS Design Information

The following table shows operating system design information for Multiple Screens.

Concept Description


Requires standard GWES and ATI XL sample display driver Catalog items.

Hardware considerations

Requires all cards on a multiple screen system to be ATI Rage XL Expert 98 or cards with drivers that support multiple screens.

Modules and Components

The following table shows the modules and components that implement Multiple Screens.

Item Module Component

Multiple screens



Implementation Considerations

The Multiple Screens Catalog item exists in a single implementation that you can either include or exclude. Choosing the Multiple Screens Catalog item in the New Platform Wizard or from the Catalog sets the SYSGEN_MULTIMON environment variable.

The following table shows the Sysgen variables that enable the Multiple Screens Catalog item.

Sysgen variable Description


When this variable is set to 1, the Multiple Screens Catalog item is included in the OS design.

When this variable is not set, the Multiple Screens Catalog item is excluded from the OS design.

Operating System Development Topics

Multiple Screen Driver Support

Application Development Topics

Multiple Screens Application Development

Multiple Screens Registry Settings

See Also

Other Resources

Multiple Screens
ATI Sample Display Driver
Multiple Screens How-to Topics