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Introduction to Direct3D Mobile (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The application programmer sees Microsoft® Direct3D® Mobile as a set of COM interfaces. These interfaces are used for specifying 2-D and 3-D primitives, specifying how those primitives should be drawn, drawing the primitives into a frame buffer, and finally displaying that frame buffer to the end user.

The typical Direct3D Mobile application contains or loads geometric descriptions (models) of the graphics to be drawn. The application transforms those models by positioning them, scaling them, and rotating them to simulate a 3-D world. Additionally, the realistic appearance of the models is enhanced by applying textures to give them detailed designs and coloring and by applying lighting to give them shape and presence. A typical application will manipulate the state of the Direct3D Mobile rendering pipeline on a frame-by-frame basis to animate the models.

For information on how Direct3D Mobile compares with Direct3D on Windows-based desktop systems see Differences Between Direct3D Mobile and Other Versions of Direct3D.

See Also

Other Resources

Direct3D Mobile Application Development